Thursday, September 23, 2010



Tuesday Dec 1, 2009 6:30 pm Limestone Library

Board Members Present

Linda Faber

Christy Strole

Debbie Turner

David Rivard

Call to Order 6:30 pm Linda Faber

Secretaries Report Read by Debbie Turner Motion to approve by Christy and seconded by Dave All others approved

Treasurers Report Read by Christy Motion to approve by Debbie Seconded by Dave and all others approved

Old Business Rita Sproul agreed to fill the vacancy on the board left by Dave Butz but she did not want to be VP Dave Rivard will be VP and Rita will be a board member Christy made a motion to approve Dave and it was seconded by Linda All others were in favor

Linda and Christy will talk to Mike Bossert from the township board about the rocks as there was another accident and Mr Kramer has not moved the rocks He was sent another letter last month

Linda will call the attorney to check the status of the court order for work on the property of the homeowner not in compliance She will also have Zavala Landscaping drive by to look and give us an estimate They will not go on the property We will have this info for the Jan meeting We will also have the estimate for the signs

New Business The annual meeting will be Saturday Feb 20, 2010 10 am at the library Christy will put this on the website with a note to call if you are interested in being a board member Flyers will go out to all homeowners 2 weeks prior to the meeting Debbie will work on this 110 copies We will check with Patti D about the program to print labels We will also have signs at the entrances to announce the meeting Our regular meeting will be Feb 2 with the nominating committee there to discuss the four opening on the board Christy and Tom Martin do not want to seek re election We will check with John and Rita We will ask the compliance committee to be on the nominating committee

We received a bill for the Letter of Incorporation for $10 for the State of IL Debbie made a motion to pay this and Dave seconded it and all others were in agreement

John was not present to give us the estimate for the tree removal

Dave will call Joe Girard about the light out at the 113 entrance

Dave will call the realtor about the old signs laying in the lots by the 113 entrance

Christy made a motion to adjourn at 7pm and it was seconded by Debbie and all others were in agreement

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