Thursday, September 23, 2010




Board members present:

Linda Faber, David Butz, Christy Strole, Debbie Turner, Tom Martin, John Jones, David Rivard

Linda called the meeting to order and welcomed the approximately 30 homeowners present. The board introduced themselves. Linda read the attached letter in response to the questions that have arisen over the last few months. Four members have requested to speak tonight. Rita Sproul started by thanking the board for their work. Her main concern is that it is taking years to try to fix the same problem- pools. She feels everyone should have to follow the covenants and it is not fair to the other homeowners when a few people chose not to. Donald Anderson then spoke and made a motion to dismiss the four board members that were elected in April. He stated that because the meeting was not held prior to March 1, there were only two board members in April and therefore there was not a quorum to elect other members. Jeff Duffield and Chris Walker supported the motion. Mr Anderson was informed that the board would have to receive written notification 10 days prior to a special meeting called for this purpose. Steve Schultz then had a turn and again thanked the board for their work in trying to enforce the covenants. Rich Berns was the last to speak. He also thanked the board and stated they are improving on what the members of the first board of which he was a member started many years ago. He thought we should plant trees along the river property on Rt 113 and put up a gate with a combination lock that homeowners in good standing would have access to the code. He asked who sent out the attached letter that was put in some of the homeowners doors and was signed ‘The Fox’. He asked Mr Anderson if he did this and he admitted it. Mr Berns than stated how upset he was that Mr Anderson has had an inflatable pool in his yard for at least two summers and he himself is doing the right thing and installing an in ground pool at a large cost to comply with the covenants. He stated that all homeowners knew the rules when they moved in and should abide by them.

Debbie Turner read the secretary’s report and a motion was made to approve by Tom Martin and seconded by John Jones and all others were in favor.

Christy Strole read the treasurers report. Dave Butz made a motion to approve and John Jones seconded and all others approved.


It was announced that meetings will be at the library on the first Tues of every month at 6:30. We were informed tonight that an application must be turned in for this. If for some reason the meeting is cancelled, a notice will be posted on the library door and on the website. The annual meeting will also now be held at the library in Feb. We received the attached letters from Don Anderson’s attorney. The minutes and financial records will be forwarded though it is noted that prior to this board’s tenure, there may not be adequate records of meeting.


The minutes are available to homeowners by request and there will be a copying fee for this. Mr Windmiller was concerned about golf carts and scooters, brick mailboxes and liability to the association. Debbie Turner will get the rules and laws for motorized vehicles.

Oct 24 will be the Weiner Roast at the park. The board members will supply the hotdogs and s’mores and everyone will be asked to bring a dish to pass. We will see if we can get a hay ride. Rita Sproul volunteered to buy the food when she gets the food for the concession stand. Thank you to her.

We took an informal vote to see how people would like to be notified of news and events in the neighborhood- mail, flyer or website. It was decided on flyers. Rita Sproul volunteered to pass them out on Sunset View and Pam Gall will do Ridge View. We will seek other volunteers for Riverbend Dr, Stone Ridge Dr and the two other streets. Steve Schultz asked if it was possible to put lights on the two other Riverbend signs. Ron Fiets asked that a dead tree behind his house on association property be removed. Dave Butz will see if this is something he can do.

Steve Goytia asked why the new addition is not part of our association and covenants. Linda stated that it is in the county plan that after a certain number of lots are sold they will have the option to join our association, form a new association or have no association. The are not to that point yet.

The terms of John Jones, Christy Strole and Tom Martin will be up in 2010 for anyone interested in being on the board.

Linda asked for a motion to be made to go into closed session. This was done by Christy and seconded by Dave Rivard. The homeowners were again thanked for coming.


Debbie Turner

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