Thursday, September 23, 2010


River Bend West Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Jan 5, 2010 Limestone Library 6:30 pm

Linda Faber called the meeting to order. Board members present were Linda Faber, David Rivard, Christy Strole, Debbie Turner, John Jones and Tom Martin. There were 2 homeowners present.

Public comment: Paul Roeder brought a picture of his Christmas decorations that some kids messed with. He was not upset but just wanted the board to be aware.

Secretary’s report was read by Debbie Turner. Christy Strole made a motion to accept it and it was seconded by John Jones. All others agreed.

Treasurer’s report was read by Christy Strole. Tom Martin made a motion to accept it and John Jones seconded it. All others were in agreement.

Old Business: Dana Meyer, the attorney, has not started the paperwork yet for the claim on the property not in compliance. There was a vacancy in the court. She will now do that. It will take about two months to go through. Zavala gave a bid of about $1200 for the work and $300 per summer to spray Round up. We will do this for 5 years. Court costs and interest will also be added with the above amount to the lien on their property. A motion was made by Debbie to proceed with this and Tom seconded.

Friendly Signs gave a bid of $800 per sign to sandblast and paint the 4 signs. Tom suggested we get 2 more bids. Linda will call Creative Edge and Ginter in Manteno. We will have this at the next meeting and then present it to the homeowners in February.

Dave will call Girard Electric to replace the light on the sign by the river.

No one talked to Bossert but he is not on the board now so Christy will call Rich Berns about the rocks on the corners. We have already spoken to Kramer and sent a letter asking that they be removed.

Christy will work on a preliminary budget for the next meeting to then present at the annual meeting.

John has a bid for the tree removal at the back of Fiets property of $575 from Four Seasons. We again feel since we do not know for sure whose property this is on, we can not just remove the tree. Tom will talk to Dave Butz since he originally looked into this and he will then talk to Ron Fiets. The board feels we can not set precedence and remove the tree when it is not causing a problem, would not damage anything if it did fall and could be on Schneider’s property or the easement. If Ron can find the stakes and prove it is on Association property, the matter will be re evaluated.

New Business: We need a nominating committee to elect 3 new board members. Debbie will call some members of the Covenance committee and ask them to find 3 homeowners who would serve on the board. They will give her the list for Feb to have ready for the annual meeting. She will also call Rita to see if she will stay on board since she was just filling in for Dave Butz. (Rita did agree so we need 3 more to fill for John, Tom and Christy)

The board will stay after the annual meeting to have the election of the new board.

Tom Martin made a motion to raise the dues to $100 annually. This will be brought up for a vote at the annual meeting. This would allow us to enforce the covenants easier and make needed improvements in the neighborhood. The dues have never been raised. Debbie seconded the motion and all others were in agreement.

We will all bring ideas to the next meeting for anything we feel needs to be added to the agenda for the annual meeting.

Tom also suggested that newly elected board members would be exempt from paying dues while they are on the board. (Rita would be eligible since she has not been elected yet) We thought this might help get new board members. Christy made a motion to accept this, Debbie seconded it and all others were in agreement.

Letters will go out to Richey’s, Benoit’s, Langlois’, and Billingsley’s about the trailers in their driveways.

Debbie will have the flyers ready for the next meeting. They will announce the date and time, voting on raising the dues and nominating new board members. There will also be a note to check the website for the agenda and further info. Christy did not have a program for labels. Debbie will make the signs for the three entrances to remind everyone about the meetings.

Linda asked for a motion to close the meeting at 7:35 pm. Debbie made the motion and Christy seconded it.

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