Thursday, September 23, 2010




Call to order 10:15 am Christy Strole motion and Dave Butz second

Board members present Linda Faber president David Butz vice president

John Jones secretary Christy Strole treasurer 4 homeowners also present

Treasurers report: $7641.38 balance Outstanding dues $605 Upcoming expenses- mowing and sign repair at 113/river entrance- lights

Clean up day May 16 9am Meet at park and clean up river lot, weed at signs, pick up litter and branches on vacant lots to prepare for mowing Rain date May 30

Garage sale is June 12 and 13 $50 budget for advertising and Amvets to pick up after

Covenant issues: Political signs in yards- by law people are allowed to have small political signs in yard before elections. Pool dispute- uphold covenant NO ABOVE GROUND SWIMMING POOLS which includes “kiddie pools” as it is too hard to make different rules for size or how long they are left up.

Election of board members John Jones and Christy Strole terms are not up until 2010. Debbie Turner was nominated by Steve Devine and seconded by Steve Goytia for the one vacancy on the baord. All present voted yes for Debbie to be on the board. There was no opposition for the other board members so they were re-elected by proclamation.

The meetings will continue to be at the library the first Tues of the month at 6:30pm.

Since only 4 homeowners in attendance it was talked about how to get more people interested in taking part in the association. It was brought up by Chris Benoit to offer an incentive in the form of a drawing at the annual meeting of those in attendance to win free homeowner dues for 2 years. This was voted on and all were in agreement. To be eligible you must be current on dues payment and board members are not eligible.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am with a motion by John Jones and second by Steve Devine. The board went in to closed session.

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