Thursday, September 23, 2010



Present: Linda Faber president

Vice Pres Dave Butz

Christy Strole treasurer

Debbie Turner secretary

Tom Martin director

John Jones director

Kathy Call homeowner

The meeting was called to order with a motion by Linda Faber and seconded by Dave Butz. A log was made for the board members to be able to contact each other by phone or email. The previous secretaries reports will be given to Linda but there were no notes available so a motion was made by Christy Strole to hold the secretaries report until next month and it was seconded by Tom Martin. All other members approved. Christy read the Treasurers report and she motioned to accept the report and it was seconded by Dave Butz. All others approved. It was brought up by Linda to possibly hire an outside manager to do a lot of the tasks that the treasurer is now doing, i.e. getting in touch with homeowners who are in violation and following up on it. This will be brought up at a later date.

Kathy Call presented a picture of the shed she would like to put up on her property on River Bend Dr. It is an all plastic building to be purchased from Menards and then put together on a cement pad. As per the covenants, any building put on your lot must be architecturally compatible with your house. A vote will be taken in closed session after further discussion of the board.

Other homeowners have complained that the rocks on three corners in the subdivision are a hazard to cars and children. It is not the job of the board to remove these as they are actually in violation of county code that there can be no obstruction 30 feet from the road and it is up to Glenn Kramer to take care of this. A letter will go out stating that he could remove these at any time if he deems necessary but is has nothing to do with the homeowners association.

It will also again be put in the newsletter that there is to be no grass or clipping dumping on empty lots or at the river. Dave states it is very hard on his mower when there is debris on the lots. Dave Butz and others put in a lot of time to clean up the river site and we want to keep it that way. We will look into putting up chains as a gate at the end of the summer if the problem continues. We will also put in the newsletter that if anyone sees some one dumping to please call the sheriff.


The lot in the new addition with all the construction equipment is an eyesore. We will call Larry Hinton at 937-8700 and ask that the lot be cleaned up as it is a reflection on all of River Bend.


The next meeting will be on Aug 4 at Linda Faber’s house with dinner for the board to follow. The business meeting will be at 6pm. The board went in to closed session to discuss other issues.

A motion by Christy Strole to close the meeting was seconded by Debbie Turner. All others approved. The meeting was closed at 7:30pm.

Debbie Turner


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