Thursday, September 23, 2010



6:30 pm Limestone Library

Board Members present:

Linda Faber

David Butz

Christy Strole

Debbie Turner

John Jones

Homeowners present:

Dave Baron

Steve Devine

The meeting was called to order by Linda. Debbie Turner read the secretary report. John made a motion to approve and Christy seconded. All others approved. Christy Strole read the treasurers report. She made a preliminary budget based on the income and expenses from the previous years. It was agreed that before a final budget is done, estimates will be needed for the sign repair, tree removal and landscaping for a homeowner not in compliance with the covenants. Annual fees may have to be increased depending on the outstanding estimates. Dave made a motion to accept the report and Debbie seconded it. All others were in agreement.

Old Business: The bonfire will be earlier next year to try to draw a bigger crowd. It was talked about what to do about the current and past covenant violations. There will be a lien placed on any property to cover court expenses or expenses to bring a homeowner to compliance. Since all pools are down for the year, this issue will be taken care of immediately in the Spring if the pools are put up as the attorney has already done all the preliminary work. John will get the estimate for tree removal off Fiets’ property. We may ask them to split the cost depending on the bid and the need to set a precedent. Again it was noted that we have to be sure that the tree is on Association property and not private property.

New Business: Dave Butz resigned since he has sold his home. It was on the flyer that went out last month to call a board member to give a name of anyone interested in being on the board. There was no response. Christy made a motion to accept his resignation and it was seconded by Debbie. A list was compiled of people who may be interested in serving on the board. Linda will contact these people to see if they are interested. The term would expire at the annual meeting in February. (Erin Walker, Denise Elliott, Rita Sproul, Brian Vaughn, Paula Uphoff)

The road at the 113 entrance was fixed and a drainage ditch was made with concrete to alleviate the ice problem we have had in the past. We will thank Glenn Kramer for doing this.

Bids will be obtained to fix the signs at the entrances. There may need to be a special assessment to cover the cost. This will hopefully be ready for the annual meeting.

There are a few new compliance issues with trailers and exterior lights and letters will be sent out. Steve Devine will fix the rotten boards on the entrance sign.

Temporary signs will be posted at the entrances on meeting days (bonfire etc) to remind homeowners. The flyers for the bonfire were put in journal boxes by Debbie and some people again stated they did not receive them.

Steve Devine thought it would be nice to have a Christmas party for the kids or maybe an Easter egg hunt. It was agreed this was a great idea and we will try for Easter.

Lemenager Insurance has asked to review our policy and perhaps give us a bid for next year. This was agreed to be done.

Christy made a motion to close the meeting at 7:40pm and this was seconded by John and all others were in agreement.

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