Thursday, September 23, 2010


River Bend West community Association Board Meeting Oct 6, 2009 6:30 pm Limestone Library

Board members present:

Linda Faber

Dave Butz

Christy Strole

Debbie Turner

Dave Rivard

John Jones

The meeting was called to order by Linda. Don Anderson was present and stated that he had a question. He asked again how the board members were elected in April when there was not a quorum. Debbie stated that the quorum for voting for the board members is a quorum of the board and not a quorum of the entire association. He stated that he did not feel that was correct. He was then read Article V Section 2 of the bylaws which clearly states this. He was confusing this with Article 3 Section 6 which covers quorums but not election of the board. He left angry again. The meeting continued with reading of the secretaries report. A motion was made to approve by John and seconded by Christy and all others were in agreement. The treasurers report was read and Debbie made a motion to approve and seconded by John. All others approved.

Old Business:

The bonfire will be Oct 24 at 6pm at the park. Linda will provide buns and s’mores. John will provide mustard and relish, Christy catsup, Debbie wood and hotdogs. John will call to get more tables from the park district. Debbie will type a flyer.

Christy will prepare a preliminary budget for 2010.

John will call to get an estimate to remove the tree behind Fiets home. Dave and John will also talk with Ron Fiets about where the property stakes are to be sure it is the associations and not Mr Schneiders tree. They will also let Ron know the equipment will have to go through his yard.

We will talk at the annual meeting about the river lot and possibly planting wild flowers, trees. landscaping and a gate.

New Business:

Dave Butz sold his house and will resign from the board next month. Debbie will put a note on the flyer to see a board member if anyone would like to be on the board.

John will let the park district know there is a broken table at the park.

Dave also let us know that he had to have his house checked for Radon and it was very high. He had to have this removed before closing. It will cost about $1000.

Zavala landscaping was dumping at the river lot- the situation has been taken care of. They thought it was ok to put rock there.

Linda asked for a motion to go into closed session-Debbie made the motion and it was seconded by Dave and agreed by all.

Closed Session October 6 2009

Covenant Violations

Linda and Dave met with the attorney and dismissed the case against Jim Bruno since the truck is gone. She advised us to wait until Spring to address the pool and call her as soon as it goes up and she will immediately take action with a letter so the pool will not be up all summer. We were also advised to mail the flyers for the annual meeting. If we receive a registered letter back refused, she said to remail it in a plain envelope. The attorney sent a letter to Langlois that stated they had until Sep 28 to finish the work on their yard which is still not done. She will now send a letter to go to court stating that they need 3 trees and finish the wall or fill the crack on the side of the house. We will have the work done and then bill them when we get the court order. Christy made a motion to close the meeting at 7:40 pm and it was seconded by Dave and all were in agreement.

River Bend West community Association Board Meeting Oct 6, 2009 6:30 pm Limestone Library

Board members present:

Linda Faber

Dave Butz

Christy Strole

Debbie Turner

Dave Rivard

John Jones

The meeting was called to order by Linda. Don Anderson was present and stated that he had a question. He asked again how the board members were elected in April when there was not a quorum. Debbie stated that the quorum for voting for the board members is a quorum of the board and not a quorum of the entire association. He stated that he did not feel that was correct. He was then read Article V Section 2 of the bylaws which clearly states this. He was confusing this with Article 3 Section 6 which covers quorums but not election of the board. He left angry again. The meeting continued with reading of the secretaries report. A motion was made to approve by John and seconded by Christy and all others were in agreement. The treasurers report was read and Debbie made a motion to approve and seconded by John. All others approved.

Old Business:

The bonfire will be Oct 24 at 6pm at the park. Linda will provide buns and s’mores. John will provide mustard and relish, Christy catsup, Debbie wood and hotdogs. John will call to get more tables from the park district. Debbie will type a flyer.

Christy will prepare a preliminary budget for 2010.

John will call to get an estimate to remove the tree behind Fiets home. Dave and John will also talk with Ron Fiets about where the property stakes are to be sure it is the associations and not Mr Schneiders tree. They will also let Ron know the equipment will have to go through his yard.

We will talk at the annual meeting about the river lot and possibly planting wild flowers, trees. landscaping and a gate.

New Business:

Dave Butz sold his house and will resign from the board next month. Debbie will put a note on the flyer to see a board member if anyone would like to be on the board.

John will let the park district know there is a broken table at the park.

Dave also let us know that he had to have his house checked for Radon and it was very high. He had to have this removed before closing. It will cost about $1000.

Zavala landscaping was dumping at the river lot- the situation has been taken care of. They thought it was ok to put rock there.

Linda asked for a motion to go into closed session-Debbie made the motion and it was seconded by Dave and agreed by all.

Closed Session October 6 2009

Covenant Violations

Linda and Dave met with the attorney and dismissed the case against Jim Bruno since the truck is gone. She advised us to wait until Spring to address the pool and call her as soon as it goes up and she will immediately take action with a letter so the pool will not be up all summer. We were also advised to mail the flyers for the annual meeting. If we receive a registered letter back refused, she said to remail it in a plain envelope. The attorney sent a letter to Langlois that stated they had until Sep 28 to finish the work on their yard which is still not done. She will now send a letter to go to court stating that they need 3 trees and finish the wall or fill the crack on the side of the house. We will have the work done and then bill them when we get the court order. Christy made a motion to close the meeting at 7:40 pm and it was seconded by Dave and all were in agreement.

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