Thursday, September 23, 2010




Members present:

Linda Faber

Dave Butz

Christy Strole

Debbie Turner

Dave Rivard

John Jones

Call to order at 6pm by Linda Faber

Secretary report read for July by Debbie Turner Motion to approve by John Jones and seconded by Dave Butz All others were in favor Linda Faber read the April minutes that were not available last month Motion to approve by Dave Butz and seconded by John Jones All others approved

Treasurer report was read by Christy Strole Butz Farms was paid for mowing and Com Ed was also paid Debbie Turner made a motion to approve and John Jones seconded All others approved An insurance bill was received for $1062 for one year for liability for the association and property A motion to pay this was made by Debbie and seconded by John

There has been no more dumping at the river A few people are still dumping in empty lots andin the retention ponds Linda will talk to them as other neighbors told her who was doing it

Linda states we should have a correspondence tracking sheet for when homeowners are contacted about any issues The mail delivery person asked that we not put any letters in Langlois’ mailbox per the homeowner request We will try to only use the newspaper box for all homes

Mr Schneider was back to request that the association pay ½ of a $13,000 bill to put drainage tile in his field to avert the flooding from run off from the subdivision. Again he was told we do not feel this is our responsibility. Azzarelli developed the subdivision and the county approved it He threatened a law suit but again he was told to follow up with the county as they are responsible He stated that Mr Girard changed the flow of water at the back of his lot, a lot of people have their down spouts going into the ditches, a lot of people use sprinklers and sump pumps and this is all causing the flooding of his farm ground according to him We will get in touch with Glenn Kramer about cleaning out the ditch at the back of the subdivision as Mr Schneider thinks this will help

A motion was made by Linda to go into closed session and a motion was made by John Jones and seconded by Dave Butz

Old Business was started when a call was received that there were people at the library for the meeting Linda told them it was on the website that the meeting was changed to her house this month for our annual cookout for the board The homeowners were welcome to come over which they did They were upset and aired their grievances and since we were already in closed session we let them speak and will talk about it at the next meeting.

Debbie Turner


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