Thursday, September 23, 2010




BOARD PRESENT: Linda Faber, Erin Walker, Steve Goytia, Dave Rivard, Chris Benoit and Debbie Turner

4 homeowners present

Linda called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Debbie read the secretaries report. Dave made a motion to accept, Steve seconded and all others were in agreement. Dave read the treasurers report. Erin made a motion to accept and Debbie seconded and all others were in agreement. Old business- the garages sales went well despite the weather. Debbie will send Janet Jones a thank you for placing the ad in the journal under her account. Steve will call the 2 owners who are not mowing their vacant lots and Debbie will follow up with letters. Steve talked to the attorney about the covenants being revised. She advised to form a committee to review and bring her the proposed revisions to check legality before they are brought to the association for a vote. We will compare them to other association’s covenants. No one has volunteers to be on the committee after the letter went out asking for volunteers. Erin made a motion to pay John Jones $70 for the lights not $35 since there are 2 in the box and Donnie Turner will install them. Dave seconded and all were in agreement. Erin also made a motion for Debbie to send letters to the 2 homeowners on Stone Ridge Dr with trailers in the driveway. Steve seconded and all others were in agreement. Linda asked that a second copy of the minutes be kept for future requests from homeowners for back records. Debbie made the motion and Dave seconded, all others were in agreement. Debbie will make the copies. We plan to have the minutes on the website in the future for all to view. Debbie will also give Linda the state fees for bulk copying. Erin made a motion to implement these fees and Debbie seconded. All others were in agreement. Linda will call the homeowner about the request for 5 years of records with the fee that must be paid before they are given. New Business: The tree house that was on the easement in the new section behind Erin was burned down on Monday so nothing will need to be addressed. Linda will talk to the attorney about what can legally be done about the dog run that has been in the back of the subdivision for many years. A homeowner was present to address the board about this and some other issues, a trailer and a pool of stagnant water. The homeowner will call the county about the pool as it is a health issue. We will wait to hear from the attorney on the other issue and then deal with the trailer and pile behind the shed. Linda will check with Larry Hinton about the voting record when the subdivision association was started at a homeowners request to view. Steve made a motion to pay Debbie $14.80 for copying costs, Erin seconded and all others were in agreement. This was for the copies of the covenants for the new board members and the memo that went out to all homeowners. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

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