Sunday, November 20, 2022

Minutes 10-5-22

MINUTES for regular meeting 10-5-22 at Limestone Library called to order at 6:35 Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Jeff Souligne; Christy Strole, Secretary; Claudia Berwanger Homeowners: None, so no public comment Minutes of 9-7-22 approval: Jeff moved we approve the minutes. Claudia seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Jeff seconded; motion carried. Old Business: Wellness Check on homeowner update: Benay was not here. She sent an organization that does wellness checks there anonymously so we can’t know the result. But the yard has been mown. IDOT re third lane feasibility update from Benay and Tim: Mark Short of IDOT says currently Route 113 from 3320 W Road to Indian Trail Road is being considered for reconstruction. If it is, in two years he will open a website for virtual public comment. Tim made the case that the road with two lanes is unsafe. Can we reroute truck traffic to avoid 113, Tim asked? Mark said that’s a big deal that can affect commerce and would take years. Whether or not we can have a turn lane will be based on the amount of traffic, roadway alignment, and number of accidents on this road, among other factors. So we will monitor this situation. Thanksgiving Food Drive – Claudia consulted with Salvation Army and made a flyer that we will distribute via email (the last week of October) and facebook, encouraging homeowners to drop off donations. Board members that were present agreed to use their houses as drop off spots. Christy will email the others. Maybe Salvation Army has barrels we could use? Salvation Army will collect the donations. Some of their suggested donations, like turkey, would require room in a freezer. Claudia will check on how we would handle that. The flyer will be completed before our November meeting. Modular home research: Tim (Rochester Homes) and Colleen (Lawyer friend): Colleen was not here. Tim asked Rochester for a legal description of the difference between modular homes and mobile or manufactured homes, and they didn’t offer anything. They said we’d need to pay a lawyer for that. HUD determined that after June 5, 1976, both “mobile homes” (on wheels) and “manufactured homes” (on wheels only until they are set on a foundation” are now called “manufactured homes.” They are regulated by HUD. Modular homes are not regulated by HUD, and are required to meet all state and local building codes. Guys from our county building inspector group would have to go to Indiana to inspect the modular home while it is being built. The homeowner has not yet submitted official plans showing siting and elevations. New Business: none Christy moved and Jeff seconded that we adjourn at 7:00, motion carried. Approved: _____________________. Date: ____________________

Minutes 9-7-22

MINUTES for regular meeting 9-7-22 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Jeff Souligne, Colleen Wepprecht, Randy Mann, Treasurer; Christy Strole, Secretary; Claudia Berwanger Homeowners: None Minutes of 8-3-22 approval: Colleen moved we approve the minutes. Randy seconded, motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Colleen seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: None Old Business: Christy and Tim went to see attormey Greg Deck August 9th. Christy sent Greg the covenants and bylaws before the meeting. Greg said our documents need to be updated. They don’t explain how our dues are assessed; by square foot? By lot? It would cost about $5000 and use a lot of volunteer time to bring them up to date and cean them up. I told him we only have $4000. At tonight’s meeting we did not decide to go ahead with his recommendation to update our documents. ComEd’s sample energy statement, update by Christy and Tim: Greg looked at our draft of the energy policy and said one of the references was out of date. He would tweak it for us for about $1000. He said we had to take out the parts that imposed new restrictions on what homeowners can do (regarding rain barrels and composting) because the board does not have the authority to impose new covenants. The homeowners would have to vote to approve those changes. But without the new restrictions, the document he writes will have little effect on what homeowners can do regarding solar. State laws restrict HOAs from controlling solar panel placement unless efficiency is reduced less than 10%. Homeowners could still put panels on the ground or on the front of their houses. We would still have no control over that. We decided to tell Greg Deck not to write up the new policy. It’s not worth $1000. Christy will email Greg Deck. Modular home to be set on Fox Run Drive Lot 11, update by Christy and Tim: Greg Deck said we cannot legally approve the modular home because of our covenant that prohibits a structure from being moved off a truck onto a lot. I asked him if it wouldn’t count as a structure because it’s in parts; he said we could not win an argument based on that. We have previously denied homeowners who wanted to buy prefab sheds and put them on concrete slabs, based on this covenant. We said it had to be stick built. Greg agreed that if we don’t enforce a covenant, we lose it. So if we allowed a modular home despite this covenant, and someone wanted to put up a manufactured home, we’d have no way to stop them. Some homeowners might be angry at what will look like a violation of a covenant when this house is erected in a day. The modular home from Rochester Homes is not like a mobile or manufactured home. It’s like a prefab home where instead of the walls being assembled in a factory, modules of multiple walls are assembled in a factory. Our covenants haven’t kept up with the technology. None of us opposes the modular home. Greg suggested he write us a rule clarifying the covenant. We would first need to get him legally tight language explaining the difference between a modular home, a manufactured home and a mobile home that explains why we approve modular but not manufactured or mobile. Once we get that technical definition (maybe from a Modular Home Association? Maybe from Rochester Homes?) he could write a legally defensible explanation of why we’re approving the modular home despite the covenant. This, too, will cost us $1000. Greg says we can’t bill the prospective homeowner for the cost of explaining our interpretation of the covenant. So for now, Tim will look for language from Rochester Homes. Colleen will informally ask a lawyer friend of hers for another opinion. We will not authorize Greg Deck to write an explanation at this point. Rip rap alternatives for Jason & Shelley Fritz: update by Tim: Tim talked to Dusty Redman, who said he’s still in touch with the county on this issue but neither the county nor the township has money to solve this problem. He’s buying a spray attachment for his truck so he can spray for weeds from the truck, and he would spray that rip rap so the homeowners don’t have to as much. That’s the best he can do on his budget. He still says he’ll fix the tilted yield sign on Valley View drive. Cohort building efforts re IDOT meeting; update by Christy: Two other subdivisions indicated interest in asking for a turn lane but did not survey their homeowners and send us data. Christy asked our homeowners their opinion in the most recent email and got about 20 responses. 19 were positive, one worried that trucks would use the third lane as a passing lane. Larry Hinton said IDOT knows whether or not it’s feasible; we should ask them if it’s possible. Tim has a phone number for IDOT but the guy there says he doesn’t know anything about it. Christy will email Larry Hinton to see if he has an IDOT contact who would know. Lot 99 Paul Roeder contact re having trouble: Benay got his name from Christy and said a wellness check would be conducted. New Business: Claudia suggested we have a food drive before Thanksgiving. Christy moved, Jeff seconded that we ask homeowners to contribute to a food drive to benefit a local church. Motion carried. Claudia will work on details. Christy moved, Jeff seconded we adjourn at 7:25 pm

Minutes 8-3-22

MINUTES for regular meeting 8-3-22 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Benay McCue, Vice President; Jeff Souligne, Colleen Wepprecht by phone, Randy Mann, Treasurer; Christy Strole, Secretary; Claudia Berwanger Homeowners: None Minutes of 7-6-22 approval: Benay moved we approve the minutes. Randy seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Benay seconded; motion carried. Public Comments: None Old Business: Consider adopting ComEd’s sample energy statement: Christy and Tim will see Greg Deck on August 9th about this issue. Request for approval of modular home to be set on Fox Run Drive Lot 11: Christy and Tim will see Greg Deck on August 9th about this issue. Rip rap alternatives update by Benay: the county is considering tiling it, but waiting for engineering approval. Then it would be covered by lawn. Tim will call Dusty regarding the rip rap and the twisted traffic sign. Coud the township control the weeds in the rip tap? It shouldn’t be the homeowners’ job. The situation was worse years ago, the HOA took action and the county to put the rip rap in the ditch. Cohort building efforts re IDOT meeting; update by Christy: Mike Whalen responded that he’ll ask the residents in his subdivision about support for a turn lane. The IDOT guy will let Benay know when the public meeting will be held. The project might not be done for 3 or 4 years. Christy will email the members for the September meeting and ask if we want a turn lane. Tim says there are 57 entrances from our 113 entrance to Riverside: driveways and subdivision entrances combined. New Business: 2297 Ridge View Lane has tall weeds. The mowing has not been kept up. The owner is apparently having trouble with other things as well. We will write him a letter telling him he could ask Craig Dufrain to mow for a fee. Because of other concerns, we will also provide a contact for a local agency that helps elderly people who are having trouble. Benay will get a name and send it to Christy, who will send a draft letter to the board before sending it to the homeowner. Benay moved we adjourn at 7:07 pm. Randy seconded; motion carried.

Minutes 7-6-22

MINUTES for regular meeting 7-6-22 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Benay McCue via FaceTime, Vice President; Jeff Souligne, Randy Mann, Treasurer; Christy Strole, Secretary; Claudia Berwanger Minutes of 5-4-22 approval: Randy moved we approve the minutes. Jeff seconded; motion carried There were no minutes of our 6-1-22 meeting because we did not have a quorum. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Jeff seconded; motion carried. Public Comments: None Old Business: Consider adopting ComEd’s sample energy statement, update by Christy: We need to ask a lawyer if we can adopt this policy as a board, or if the homeowners have to vote to accept it, like they would if it were a change in the covenants. But both Ann Brezinski and David Jaffe were too busy to meet with us. Christy moved we seek counsel on Com Ed issue and modular home issue. Randy seconded; motion carried. Christy will contact the firm of Greg Deck and Dave Baron, as suggested by Ann Brezinski. Request for approval of modular home to be set on Fox Run Drive Lot 11, update by Christy: see above. We’re waiting to ask a lawyer if our covenant preventing structures from being moved onto a lot applies to modules of a house. Chris James has purchased the lot on Fox Run Drive and awaits our decision. Rip rap alternatives for Jason & Shelley Fritz: update by Benay: Two guys from the county came out and looked at the rip rap. They agreed that it’s ugly and hazardous. The engineer said materials are expensive right now. They agreed to come up with a plan. Limestone township might have to save up for three years to have enough money to do something different. Cohort building efforts re IDOT meeting; update by Christy: Emailing members of the boards was unsuccessful. River Bluff has an HOA. Edgewater, Limestone Meadows and Indian Trail have no board. River Crossing does, and Art and Margie Suprenant were contacted. was emailed. Christy will look for facebook pages for these subdivisions. Then we can ask their opinion on whether we should ask IDOT for a center lane at their public meeting. New Business: None Christy moved, Jeff seconded we adjourn at 6:47. Motion carried.

Minutes 6-1-22

MINUTES for regular meeting 6-1-22 at Limestone Library We didn’t have a quorum so we could not hold a meeting. Rita Sproul came to complain about an incident where a golf cart turned over in the cul de sac. A kid was taken to the hospital. Rita called the county, because it’s their job to regulate golf cart use. County sheriff deputies came to Rita’s house, not the cul de sac, so no citation was issued.

Minutes 5-4-22

MINUTES for regular meeting 5-4-22 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Benay McCue, Vice President; Jeff Souligne, Colleen Wepprecht, Randy Mann, Treasurer; Christy Strole, Secretary; Colleen Wepprecht via phone, and Claudia Berwanger. Time introduced her and welcomed her to our group, thanking her for her service. Homeowners: None Minutes of 4-6-22 approval: Jeff moved we approve the minutes as corrected. Randy seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Jeff seconded; motion carried. Public Comments: None Old Business: Consider adopting ComEd’s sample energy statement: We made some changes to make the document more cohesive. This would be separate from our Covenants and Bylaws. It says no one can get a permit without our approval, but Illinois law says we can’t stop people from installing solar or require them to put the panels in a place that would decrease efficiency by 10%. Would the homeowners to vote to adopt this? We need more research on rain barrels to differentiate them from tanks, and we need to talk to Ann Brezinski to see how to handle this document. Christy will type a new draft and get Ann’s take on this. Rip rap alternatives for Jason & Shelley Fritz: No news. Easter egg hunt: How many kids came? 350 eggs were enough for 12 for each of the 27 kids who came. Thanks, Colleen and Benay, for your work on this fun activity. Ours was held the same day Limestone Park District held theirs. Estes bid on fallen tree: Randy sent out bids and got three replies, two of whom dropped out. Estes will “chop and drop” the two trees, leaving the wood there, for $400. If we want him to grind it up and haul it out that will be $650. Benay moved we accept Estes’s bid to chop and drop, not grind and haul. Randy seconded; motion carried. IDOT public meeting re turn lane; Benay and Tim both called. Tim learned that the date of the meeting has not yet been set. Benay got the name of the guy in charge of the project and will send it to Tim, to see if it’s the same guy Tim talked to. Dufrain set to mow? I got insurance certificate: Randy contracted Estes, who has mowed the four lots already. He hasn’t done the entrance yet. We pay to have the park mowed, the park district does maintenance on the equipment. So we’re set for the year. New Business: Request for approval of modular home to be set on Fox Run Drive Lot 11: Chris James wants to put up a modular home and has talked with Tim and Colleen about it. He sent us a link showing how a firm in Indiana can assemble a full-sized two-story house on a basement in one day. The house meets our size requirements. This is not a mobile home (which is manufactured indoors and set on a chassis with wheels) or a manufactured home (which is manufactured indoors and set on a permanent foundation, usually two pieces joined together at the roof line.) This is a house built indoors in four separate modules, with drywall, plumbing, electric and flooring installed, trucked here on flatbeds and lifted into place by a crane. Our covenant #21 says “No structure shall be moved onto the subdivision from any off-site location.” In the past, we have denied homeowners who wanted to buy a pre-manufactured shed from Menards because of this covenant. Maybe our covenants should be changed now that modular homes can be built that are indistinguishable from stick-built homes? Colleen says maybe a modular home is not a “structure”? There are only three lots left in the subdivision, so how important is this? Randy points out that if we ever join with the subdivision behind us, many more lots would be in play. Benay moved that we pay Ann Brezinski for her opinion on whether our covenant #21 forces us to deny a modular home because it’s a structure. Jeff seconded; motion carried. Request for approval of Maria Gagnon’s shed: Christy moved we approve her shed plans. Randy seconded, motion carried. Chad & Kelly Degenhart sold 2234 Sunset View Lane and Scott Homerding sold 2264 Valley View Drive to Anthony Andre. Belva Stelk’s house is now owned by a trust, and her granddaughter Courtney Stelk lives there. Benay moved, Randy seconded we adjourn at 7:47. Motion carried.

Minutes 4-6-22

MINUTES for annual meeting 4-6-22 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Jeff Souligne, Colleen Wepprecht, Randy Mann Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary, Claudia Berwanger Homeowners: None Minutes of 3-2–22 approval: Randy moved we approve the minutes. Colleen seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Jeff seconded, motion carried. Six households have not paid their dues yet, and the deadline was April 1st. Zach Love just bought the house and contacted us to see if any money was due. Steve Schultz is hospitalized and Cathy is up north with him. We will give these two households an extra month without penalty. The other households will be charged $25 late fee plus $1/day. Christy will send them notices telling them what they owe now. Public Comments: None Old Business: Consider solar panel regulation Com Ed’s sample energy policy will be distributed with Tim’s notes on it, and we’ll discuss next month. Between now and then we’ll ask David Jaffe or Ann Brezinski what we have to do to change the covenants. We don’t have the authority to generate new covenants, only to enforce them. Homeowners will have to approve this change. Rip rap alternatives for Jason & Shelley Fritz: Benay’s waiting for a return call. Facebook page is live and advertises the Easter egg hunt! Thanks, Randy, for setting this up. Easter egg hunt April 9th: Colleen filled 350 eggs, four of which are golden eggs and include a $10 gift certificate for Dairy Queen. Is this enough? We’ll see. She gave her receipts totaling $96 to Randy for reimbursement. Christy will email the homeowners tonight reminding them of Saturday’s hunt, encouraging kids to bring. Basket. Tree down on river lot: Christy moved, Jeff seconded that we ask Estes to bid the removal of the fallen tree on the east edge of our river lot. Tim will ask Estes to bid the job of cutting the tree down from where it is caught up in its sisters branches. New Business: Do we want a turn lane? Route 113 is under construction and there will be a public meeting about the project. Tim will call IDOT and see when that public comment meeting is to be held. Let’s contact HOAs of the other subdivisions and see if they want to show up with us and ask IDOT to include a third lane to make driving out here safer. Edgewater has no HOA, but Christy will call her friend there and see if they want to join. Limestone Meadows has one, Christy will call Mary Keller or Amy DeLong. River Bluff has one, Colleen will call her friend. Indian Trail has none. River Crossing: Christy will call Carolyn Serene Heil Estates already has a turn lane. Do we want Dufrain to mow? We don’t have to take bids, and they never did us any good. Craig Dufrain said he’d have to raise his price because of the increased price of gas. Christy moved, Colleen seconded that we contract Craig Dufrain to do our mowing again this year, starting this month. Randy will contact him, Christy will email asking for his insurance certificate. Jeff moved, Claudia seconded we adjourn at 7:21. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Christy Strole, secretary Approved:

Tim Hauert, President 5-4-22

Minutes 3-2-22

MINUTES for regular meeting 3-2–22 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Benay McCue, Vice President, Jeff Souligne, Colleen Wepprecht, Randy Mann, Treasurer; Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: Minutes of 2-2–22 approval: Colleen moved we approve the minutes. Benay seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Jeff seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: None Old Business: Consider solar panel regulation: Christy will ask her Certasun vendor what regulations made them ask for our HOA’s approval. Tim will call the county. For the three sets of solar panels in our subdivision, only one vendor contacted us before getting the permit. Maybe they don’t need our permission since we have nothing in our covenants? Should we have something in our covenants? Com Ed provides a boilerplate for HOAs. We still have questions: what do solar panels do to home values? Should we also have covenants regarding composting and rain barrels? The county has Section 121-296 – Small Wind Energy Systems (SWES) resolution No. 2009-11-10-174, sections 1, 2, 11-10-2009 regarding windmills in platted subdivisions. Let’s gather information and discuss next month. Rip rap alternatives for Jason & Shelley Fritz: Mark Rogers, head of the highway department, is looking at options. Greg Heiden is taking that job March 26. Andrew DeLong is looking at concrete mats, which are expensive. Options will be forwarded to Dusty Redmon at the township. New Business: 113 Resurfacing: The surveyors say the state highway will be resurfaced from Indian Trail to Edgewater. When asked if there would be a third lane for turning, they said the plans are not firm. There will be a meeting for public comment. Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 9th at 10:00 am. Rain date, April 16th. Benay will go get the stuff, Colleen will show up with kids and say “go!” at 10:00. Facebook group invitation: We’ll send an invitation with our next email announcing the April meeting. There’s no approval process, so anyone can join. It’s like a chat group. People could advertise lawn mowing and pet walking services. Thanks, Randy, for setting this up! Randy will also create a gmail account for the RBWCA treasurer. A tree has fallen on our river lot. Randy will get a close look at it and report back next month. Benay moved we adjourn at 7:52, Randy seconded, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Christy Strole 4-6-22

Minutes 2-2-22

MINUTES for annual meeting 2-2–22 via Zoom Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Claudia Berwanger, Randy Mann, Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary, Benay McCue Homeowners: None Election of officers: Christy moved , Benay seconded that Randy Mann serve as treasurer. Motion carried. Randy moved, Christy seconded, that Benay McCue serve as VP. Motion carried. Minutes of 1-5-22 approval: Benay moved we approve the minutes. Randy seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Benay seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: None. Old Business: Yield sign still leaning precariously Fox Run and River Bend Drive: no progress. Rip rap alternatives for Jason & Shelley Fritz: Benay called Mark Rodgers, he promises it’s on the list to be studied. Dusty Redman made a formal request, sent the letter in, so it’s in the works. Mark will be retiring. Lucas Stroud is his second in command. New Business: Election of Board Members Colleen Wepprecht, Benay McCue, Randy Mann and Claudia Berwanger has been accomplished in the last month. People responded to the election well this time! Pick a date for the garage sale: June 9th and 10th. Easter Egg hunt? Let’s wait and see if COVID goes down. Discuss next month. Mowing bids: We’ll keep Craig Dufrain instead of going out for bids. He’s going to reevaluate the fuel cost and raise his price, probably in March or April. Dues: I’ll send bills Feb. 15th. I’ll change the address for check payments to 2256 Ridge View Lane. Randy will get me a PayPal tutorial. Randy moved we adjourn. Benay seconded and motion carried, 7:25 pm

Minutes 1-5-22

MINUTES for regular meeting 1-5-22 via Zoom Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht, Randy Mann Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary, Benay McCue No meeting was held in December due to the holiday. Homeowners: None attended. Minutes of 11-3-21 approval: Benay moved we approve the minutes. Randy seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Colleen seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: None. Old Business: River lot: Should we get a survey? Or did new homeowners respond to our letter? Tracks in the snow indicate that they are not driving on our property anymore. Benay: Dusty Redman on replacing the rip rap at Jason & Shelly’s: no news. Benay has COVID and still she joined us for this Zoom meeting. Tim: Dusty Redman on our old signs: The sign that was broken off has been taken down. Christy looked at Limestone Meadows’ signs and they all look like they’re in good shape. Christy: Little Free Library by Dawn Tutt: Dawn will get consent from park district to put it on their property. She has our blessing. New Business: Next month is the Annual Meeting and election of board members. Andrea has decided not to run for re-election. We thank her for her service. Randy will run for office, and Benay and Colleen agree to run again. Jeff, Tim and Christy aren’t up for re-election until next year. So we need to find someone to replace Andrea. Christy will email homeowners asking for volunteers now. She’ll send then ballot out ten days before the February meeting. Annual Budget: Estes wants to know if we want him to trim up the rest of the trees. Let’s decide that after we go through our budget. We went through our budget and found that the work on the river lot cost us more than we had budgeted, and more than we usually spend in a year. So we’ll wait a few years before doing the tree trimming and brush clearing again. We will not have enough money to put another $4,000 in savings in 2022. Randy will do our taxes himself. We continued to budget enough for Geoffrey Johns tax accountants in case something comes up complicating our taxes. Christy moved that we approve the budget as presented. Benay seconded, motion carried. A postcard came back saying Belva Stelk’s house is empty. Christy will send Tim a list of properties for whom we don’t have the name of the owner. Tim will knock on doors. Randy moved we adjourn. Seeing no further business, Benay seconded and motion carried.

Minutes 12-2-21

There was no meeting held in December 2021

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Treasurer's Report 10-2021

Treasurer's Report October 2021 CHECKING 10/1/21 Beginningn Cash Balance $5873.91 10/13/21 Com Ed -$22.17 5851.74 10/15/21 Tholens for Tree -$389.17 5462.57 10/15/21 Dufrain Lawn Care -$483.00 4979.57 10/31/21 Ending cash balance 4979.57 SAVINGS 10/1/21 Balance $4001.16

Treasurer's Report 9-2021

Treasurer's Report September 2021 CHECKING 9/01/21 Beginning cash balance $6862.08 9/08/21 Dufrain Lawn Care -$644.00 6218.08 9/13/21 Com Ed - $22.17 6195.91 9/14/21 Dufrain Lawn Care -322.00 5873.91 9/30/21 Ending cash balance 5873.91 SAVINGS 9/1/21 Beginning balance $4000.65 9/30/21 Interest + 0.51 4001.16 Ending cash balance $4001.16

Treasurer's report August 2021

Treasurer's Report August 1, 2021 to August 31, 2021 CHECKING 8/01/2021 Beginning cash balance $8221.39 8/03/2021 US Liability insurance -$1297.00 6924.39 8/13/2021 Com Ed -$ 22.36. 6902.03 8/15/2021 Andrea Cinnamon 39.95 6862.08 8/31/2021 Ending cash balance 6862.08 SAVINGS 8/01/21 Beginning balance $4000.65 8/31/21 Ending balance 4000.65

Treasurer's Report Dec. 2021

Treasurer's Report November 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 CHECKING 11/1/21 Beginning cash balance $4979.57 11/12/21 ComEd electric bill -$22.90 4956.67 11/12/21 DuFrain lawn care -$246.00 4710.67 12/8/21 Dufrain - fall cleanup -$250.00 4460.67 12/14/21 ComEd -$23.01 4437.66 1/3/22 Estes trim river lot -$1000.00 3437.66 1/3/22 Ending cash balance $3437.66 SAVINGS 11/1/21 Beginning balance $4001.16 12/31/21 Interest 0.50 12/31/21 Ending balance $4001.66

RBWCA Minutes 12-2-21

There was no meeting held in December 2021

RBWCA Minutes 11-3-21

MINUTES for regular meeting 11-3-21 6:37 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Randy Mann Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary, Benay McCue Homeowners: None Minutes of 10-6-21 approval: Benay moved we approve the minutes. Andrea seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Benay seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: None Old Business: River lot: Should we get a survey? Or did new homeowners respond to our letter? It looks like they are no longer driving on our culvert, although we have had no response from them. The survey would cost $750 so let’s wait and see if this problem is solved. Did Tholens replace the dead tree yet? Yes and we paid $389.17 Benay: Dusty Redman is our township road guy and Mark Rogers is the County highway guy. Dusty has formally requested a review of the rip rap in front of Jason & Shelly Fritz’s. They have no money budgeted for this and no alternative proposal yet. Benay will stay on it. Jim Muhlstadt, Randy Mann and Christy went to the bank to transfer power to Randy. Almost everything is done, just some last technical issues. New Business: Little Free Library proposal by Dawn Tutt: We wonder what it would cost, who would maintain it, do we need the park district’s permission? Christy will check with Dawn for these answers. Drew Lergner’s fence approval: We voted via email to approve his fence plan. Bob Lergner’s complaint regarding signs: We already had Glenn Kramer replace broken signs in our subdivision, within the last three years. Tim will contact Dusty Redman about these signs. Christy will call Limestone Meadows and see if they’re having similar problems. Adjourn: Andrea moved that we adjourn, Randy seconded, motion carried at 7:20 pm.

RBWCA Minutes 10-6-21

AGENDA for regular meeting 10-6-21 at Limestone Library called to order at 6:32 pm Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Jeff Souligne (Zoom), Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: Randy Mann Minutes of 9-1-21 approval: Benay moved we approve the minutes. Chisty seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Benay seconded, motion carried. Old Business: River lot: Estes to trim trees. He called Tim one night and trimmed the next day, so it’s done. River lot: Should we get a survey? Jim Muhlstadt got us a bid from Randall Gann for $775. This would serve two purposes: being able to tell the homeowners to the east of us where our property line starts, since we don’t actually know, and knowing where to tell our landscapers to stop mowing and trimming. It’s unlikely that knowing where to stop mowing would save us enough to make the survey pay off, and maybe the homeowner would respond to a polite letter explaining that our river lot is private property, not state or county property, and that since we maintain and are liable for that land we’d prefer he not use our culvert as a driveway. If that did the trick we could save $775, which Jim says is a fair price and which will be closer to $1000 if we wait until next year. Christy will write a letter, Tim’s wife will keep an eye out to see whether the homeowner keeps driving on our culvert, and we’ll decide whether to order the survey at our next meeting. New Business: Christy moved we accept the resignation of Jim Muhlstadt, with regret and gratitude. Colleen seconded, motion carried. Christy moved we elect Randy Mann to fill out Jim’s term until February and be our treasurer. Andrea seconded, Randy agreed, motion carried. Welcome aboard, Randy and thanks for all your work and expertise, Jim. Christy will call the bank and arrange to transfer signatures from Jim to Randy. Hours for Trick or Treat will be the same as those of Limestone Township. Christy will send an email informing homeowners. One of our six decorative trees on the river lot died. Benay moved that we pay Tholens to replace that tree, somebody seconded and the motion carried. Jim gave Tim a check for Tholens. Benay mentioned a pothole on Valley View Drive. The township has already said they will fix it. One of our Yield signs is wilting along Pipeline road, Tim will talk to Dusty Redman about that and about the riprap on Jason & Shelly’s corner lot. Glen Kramer was working on that problem before Dusty was elected to replace him as township road commissioner. Adjourn: Christy moved that we adjourn, Colleen seconded, motion carried at 7:13 pm.

RBWCA Minutes 9-1-21

MINUTES for regular meeting 9-1-21 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Jeff Souligne via Zoom, Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht via Zoom, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: Randy Mann Minutes of 8-4-21 approval: Jim moved we approve the minutes. Andrea seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Jim seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: None but Randy Mann is here to see if he’d like to take over Jim Muhlstadt’s position. Old Business: River lot: Estes to trim trees. Estes hasn’t gotten back to Tim, he’ll call him again. Maybe next time we should get bids for the tree trimming and brush removal. Logan could do the brush removal. River lot: Is there a camper parked on it? No but the new neighbors to the east of the river lot are using our culvert as their driveway. We could send them a letter asking them not to, but we don’t have a survey that shows us where the river lot property line ends. Maybe instead of paying Estes for trees we should pay for a survey? Jim will find out how much it will cost and let us know at the next board meeting. Tree obstructing view on 113: Tm talked to the Illinois DOT representative, who came and trimmed it, and chopped down the dead tree. Problem solved! New Business: None Adjourn: Christy moved that we adjourn, Colleen seconded, motion carried at 7:07 pm.

RBWCA Minutes 8-4-21

MINUTES for regular meeting 8-4-21 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht, Benay McCue, Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: None in person or via zoom Minutes of 7-7-21: Benay moved, Colleen seconded we approve minutes. Motion carried. Treasurer’s report: Christy moved we approve, Benay seconded. Motion carried. Public Comments: There were none. Zumwalts called Christy to ask about radon gas and arranged to be here tonight but did not show. Carol Ringler arranged to Zoom but did not show. Old Business: All dues are paid! River lot: Christy made a motion that we have Estes trim up the trees at the river lot so we can see the water, with the $1000 of budget we have left for this purpose. Colleen seconded; motion carried. Tim will talk to Estes. Is there a camper on our river lot? Tim will go look. Colleen mentioned a tree that makes it hard to see when pulling out from our main entrance to go east into town. We’ll all look at that before then next meeting. It’s on Belva Stelk’s property. New Business: Approval of Fence for Dave Clark: Christy made a motion to approve the fence as described in the information Dave sent us. Tim worries that since he’s doing it himself, he won’t have the guidance of a contractor. Colleen said when she put in a fence at their previous house, the county inspected daily, so it’ll be okay. Benay seconded, motion carried. Clarification: The Park District maintains the park but we pay DuFrain to mow it. Someone broke into a squad car in the subdivision south of us last night. Christy made a motion to adjourn. Colleen seconded; motion carried at 6:55.

Treasurer's report July 2021

Treasurer’s Report July 1,2021 to July 31,2021 Checking 7/01/2021 Beginning cash balance 10,376.26 7/14/2021 ComEd (electricity) - 21.87 10,354.39 7/16/2021 Deposit (Last due) 100.00 10,454.39 7/16/2021 #1338 Dufrain Lawn Care -733.00 9,721.39 7/22/2021 #1339 Clean Cut Lawn Care -1,500.00 8,221.39 Savings 7/01/2021 Beginning Balance 4,000.65 7/31/2021 Ending Balance 4,000.65 Approved __________________________ Signed __________________________

RBWCA Minutes 7-7-21

MINUTES for regular meeting 7-7-21 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Jeff Souligne via Zoom, Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht via Zoom, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer, and Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: Randy Mann Minutes of 6-2-21 approval: Jim moved, Andrea seconded. Motion carried Treasurer’s report approval: Jim moved, Christy seconded. Motion carried Public Comments: none. Old Business: One outstanding dues payment: Last month we asked for a copy of their canceled check, which was not received, so another letter was sent 6-8-21. We will send another letter tomorrow. River lot: Clearing the brush: Larry Hinton sent a nice note, Benay wonders about one tree that’s knocked over. Should we have Estes come trim the trees so we can see the river under them? Let’s wait until we get a bill from O’Connor for the clearing of the brush and see if we have enough left of our $2500 budget to pay Estes $1500 for tree trimming. River lot: Stopping the dumper seems to have worked. Garage Sale: Briarcliff’s sales were the same day, it was very hot, we had a poor showing. New Business: Kathleen Buchmeier says weeds from park come to her yard. The park district recently treated the park for weeds. They mow the park. Andrea will call them to make sure we know what they do. Christy will email Mrs. Buchmeier. Radon: Deb Turner heard about radon at a HOA meeting in 2008 and didn’t test her house or have it mitigates. Now she has lung cancer, and the tumor that seems to be five years old, so she is having her radon mitigated now. Several other people have had their radon mitigated recently. We’ll send out a notice about radon with the invitation to August’s meeting. Adjourn: Christy moved, Andrea seconded. Motion carried. Time: 7:04 pm

Treasurer's Report May 2021

Treasurer’s Report May 1, 2021 to May 31,2021 Checking 5/01/2021 Beginning cash balance 12,156.54 5/03/2021 #1334 Dufrain Lawn Care -322.00 11,834.54 5/13/2021 ComEd (electricity) - 22.02 11,812.52 5/15/2021 #1335 Auto Owners (property) -864.00 10,948.52 5/31/2021 Ending cash balance 10,948.52 Savings 5/01/2021 Beginning Balance 4,000.15 3/31/2021 Ending Balance 4,000.15 Approved __________________________ Signed __________________________

Thursday, July 8, 2021

RBWCA Minutes 6-2-21

MINUTES for regular meeting 6-2-21 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht via phone, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer, Benay McCue, Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: Randy Mann did not log onto the Zoom Minutes of 5-5-21 approval: Benay moved, Jim seconded: motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved, Andrea seconded; motion carried Public Comments: None Old Business: Two outstanding dues: Christy will send reminders. They owe $163 at this point. River lot: Clearing the brush: Christy moved we pay Ron O’Connor $1500 as bid to clear out the brush. Benay seconded, motion carried. Estes will trim the trees so we have a view of the river, after O’Connor clears the ground. We think it has been maybe six years since we last did this. Maybe we should budget to do it every year. River lot: Stopping the dumper: Tim spoke with the dumper and warned that Dept. of Natural Resources is interested in enforcing their no dumping on the river regulation. Dumper said he’d take it elsewhere, and loaded his trailer and left with a load that did not end up on our river lot. Someone is dumping more than grass clippings now. Chris Beard’s spec house will not be modular or pre-fab, he told Tim. Christy got back to Carol Keller. The house will have a basement and a third bay on the garage. New Business: People are speeding down Ridge View Lane from Love’s at the top of the hill down to 113. Tim will send an email reminder to all homeowners to slow down now that school is out. Andrea is running the ad for the garage sale. Christy will send an email Monday reminding people of the hours and days. Tim will put up the big sign on the entrance. Christy Moved we adjourn. Jim seconded, motion carried. Time: 7:11 pm