Sunday, January 9, 2022

RBWCA Minutes 11-3-21

MINUTES for regular meeting 11-3-21 6:37 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Randy Mann Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary, Benay McCue Homeowners: None Minutes of 10-6-21 approval: Benay moved we approve the minutes. Andrea seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Benay seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: None Old Business: River lot: Should we get a survey? Or did new homeowners respond to our letter? It looks like they are no longer driving on our culvert, although we have had no response from them. The survey would cost $750 so let’s wait and see if this problem is solved. Did Tholens replace the dead tree yet? Yes and we paid $389.17 Benay: Dusty Redman is our township road guy and Mark Rogers is the County highway guy. Dusty has formally requested a review of the rip rap in front of Jason & Shelly Fritz’s. They have no money budgeted for this and no alternative proposal yet. Benay will stay on it. Jim Muhlstadt, Randy Mann and Christy went to the bank to transfer power to Randy. Almost everything is done, just some last technical issues. New Business: Little Free Library proposal by Dawn Tutt: We wonder what it would cost, who would maintain it, do we need the park district’s permission? Christy will check with Dawn for these answers. Drew Lergner’s fence approval: We voted via email to approve his fence plan. Bob Lergner’s complaint regarding signs: We already had Glenn Kramer replace broken signs in our subdivision, within the last three years. Tim will contact Dusty Redman about these signs. Christy will call Limestone Meadows and see if they’re having similar problems. Adjourn: Andrea moved that we adjourn, Randy seconded, motion carried at 7:20 pm.

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