Sunday, January 9, 2022

RBWCA Minutes 8-4-21

MINUTES for regular meeting 8-4-21 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht, Benay McCue, Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: None in person or via zoom Minutes of 7-7-21: Benay moved, Colleen seconded we approve minutes. Motion carried. Treasurer’s report: Christy moved we approve, Benay seconded. Motion carried. Public Comments: There were none. Zumwalts called Christy to ask about radon gas and arranged to be here tonight but did not show. Carol Ringler arranged to Zoom but did not show. Old Business: All dues are paid! River lot: Christy made a motion that we have Estes trim up the trees at the river lot so we can see the water, with the $1000 of budget we have left for this purpose. Colleen seconded; motion carried. Tim will talk to Estes. Is there a camper on our river lot? Tim will go look. Colleen mentioned a tree that makes it hard to see when pulling out from our main entrance to go east into town. We’ll all look at that before then next meeting. It’s on Belva Stelk’s property. New Business: Approval of Fence for Dave Clark: Christy made a motion to approve the fence as described in the information Dave sent us. Tim worries that since he’s doing it himself, he won’t have the guidance of a contractor. Colleen said when she put in a fence at their previous house, the county inspected daily, so it’ll be okay. Benay seconded, motion carried. Clarification: The Park District maintains the park but we pay DuFrain to mow it. Someone broke into a squad car in the subdivision south of us last night. Christy made a motion to adjourn. Colleen seconded; motion carried at 6:55.

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