Sunday, January 9, 2022

RBWCA Minutes 7-7-21

MINUTES for regular meeting 7-7-21 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Jeff Souligne via Zoom, Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht via Zoom, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer, and Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: Randy Mann Minutes of 6-2-21 approval: Jim moved, Andrea seconded. Motion carried Treasurer’s report approval: Jim moved, Christy seconded. Motion carried Public Comments: none. Old Business: One outstanding dues payment: Last month we asked for a copy of their canceled check, which was not received, so another letter was sent 6-8-21. We will send another letter tomorrow. River lot: Clearing the brush: Larry Hinton sent a nice note, Benay wonders about one tree that’s knocked over. Should we have Estes come trim the trees so we can see the river under them? Let’s wait until we get a bill from O’Connor for the clearing of the brush and see if we have enough left of our $2500 budget to pay Estes $1500 for tree trimming. River lot: Stopping the dumper seems to have worked. Garage Sale: Briarcliff’s sales were the same day, it was very hot, we had a poor showing. New Business: Kathleen Buchmeier says weeds from park come to her yard. The park district recently treated the park for weeds. They mow the park. Andrea will call them to make sure we know what they do. Christy will email Mrs. Buchmeier. Radon: Deb Turner heard about radon at a HOA meeting in 2008 and didn’t test her house or have it mitigates. Now she has lung cancer, and the tumor that seems to be five years old, so she is having her radon mitigated now. Several other people have had their radon mitigated recently. We’ll send out a notice about radon with the invitation to August’s meeting. Adjourn: Christy moved, Andrea seconded. Motion carried. Time: 7:04 pm

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