Sunday, January 9, 2022

RBWCA Minutes 10-6-21

AGENDA for regular meeting 10-6-21 at Limestone Library called to order at 6:32 pm Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Jeff Souligne (Zoom), Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: Randy Mann Minutes of 9-1-21 approval: Benay moved we approve the minutes. Chisty seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Benay seconded, motion carried. Old Business: River lot: Estes to trim trees. He called Tim one night and trimmed the next day, so it’s done. River lot: Should we get a survey? Jim Muhlstadt got us a bid from Randall Gann for $775. This would serve two purposes: being able to tell the homeowners to the east of us where our property line starts, since we don’t actually know, and knowing where to tell our landscapers to stop mowing and trimming. It’s unlikely that knowing where to stop mowing would save us enough to make the survey pay off, and maybe the homeowner would respond to a polite letter explaining that our river lot is private property, not state or county property, and that since we maintain and are liable for that land we’d prefer he not use our culvert as a driveway. If that did the trick we could save $775, which Jim says is a fair price and which will be closer to $1000 if we wait until next year. Christy will write a letter, Tim’s wife will keep an eye out to see whether the homeowner keeps driving on our culvert, and we’ll decide whether to order the survey at our next meeting. New Business: Christy moved we accept the resignation of Jim Muhlstadt, with regret and gratitude. Colleen seconded, motion carried. Christy moved we elect Randy Mann to fill out Jim’s term until February and be our treasurer. Andrea seconded, Randy agreed, motion carried. Welcome aboard, Randy and thanks for all your work and expertise, Jim. Christy will call the bank and arrange to transfer signatures from Jim to Randy. Hours for Trick or Treat will be the same as those of Limestone Township. Christy will send an email informing homeowners. One of our six decorative trees on the river lot died. Benay moved that we pay Tholens to replace that tree, somebody seconded and the motion carried. Jim gave Tim a check for Tholens. Benay mentioned a pothole on Valley View Drive. The township has already said they will fix it. One of our Yield signs is wilting along Pipeline road, Tim will talk to Dusty Redman about that and about the riprap on Jason & Shelly’s corner lot. Glen Kramer was working on that problem before Dusty was elected to replace him as township road commissioner. Adjourn: Christy moved that we adjourn, Colleen seconded, motion carried at 7:13 pm.

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