Sunday, January 9, 2022

RBWCA Minutes 9-1-21

MINUTES for regular meeting 9-1-21 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Jeff Souligne via Zoom, Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht via Zoom, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: Randy Mann Minutes of 8-4-21 approval: Jim moved we approve the minutes. Andrea seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Jim seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: None but Randy Mann is here to see if he’d like to take over Jim Muhlstadt’s position. Old Business: River lot: Estes to trim trees. Estes hasn’t gotten back to Tim, he’ll call him again. Maybe next time we should get bids for the tree trimming and brush removal. Logan could do the brush removal. River lot: Is there a camper parked on it? No but the new neighbors to the east of the river lot are using our culvert as their driveway. We could send them a letter asking them not to, but we don’t have a survey that shows us where the river lot property line ends. Maybe instead of paying Estes for trees we should pay for a survey? Jim will find out how much it will cost and let us know at the next board meeting. Tree obstructing view on 113: Tm talked to the Illinois DOT representative, who came and trimmed it, and chopped down the dead tree. Problem solved! New Business: None Adjourn: Christy moved that we adjourn, Colleen seconded, motion carried at 7:07 pm.

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