Sunday, November 20, 2022

Minutes 1-5-22

MINUTES for regular meeting 1-5-22 via Zoom Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht, Randy Mann Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary, Benay McCue No meeting was held in December due to the holiday. Homeowners: None attended. Minutes of 11-3-21 approval: Benay moved we approve the minutes. Randy seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Colleen seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: None. Old Business: River lot: Should we get a survey? Or did new homeowners respond to our letter? Tracks in the snow indicate that they are not driving on our property anymore. Benay: Dusty Redman on replacing the rip rap at Jason & Shelly’s: no news. Benay has COVID and still she joined us for this Zoom meeting. Tim: Dusty Redman on our old signs: The sign that was broken off has been taken down. Christy looked at Limestone Meadows’ signs and they all look like they’re in good shape. Christy: Little Free Library by Dawn Tutt: Dawn will get consent from park district to put it on their property. She has our blessing. New Business: Next month is the Annual Meeting and election of board members. Andrea has decided not to run for re-election. We thank her for her service. Randy will run for office, and Benay and Colleen agree to run again. Jeff, Tim and Christy aren’t up for re-election until next year. So we need to find someone to replace Andrea. Christy will email homeowners asking for volunteers now. She’ll send then ballot out ten days before the February meeting. Annual Budget: Estes wants to know if we want him to trim up the rest of the trees. Let’s decide that after we go through our budget. We went through our budget and found that the work on the river lot cost us more than we had budgeted, and more than we usually spend in a year. So we’ll wait a few years before doing the tree trimming and brush clearing again. We will not have enough money to put another $4,000 in savings in 2022. Randy will do our taxes himself. We continued to budget enough for Geoffrey Johns tax accountants in case something comes up complicating our taxes. Christy moved that we approve the budget as presented. Benay seconded, motion carried. A postcard came back saying Belva Stelk’s house is empty. Christy will send Tim a list of properties for whom we don’t have the name of the owner. Tim will knock on doors. Randy moved we adjourn. Seeing no further business, Benay seconded and motion carried.

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