Sunday, November 20, 2022

Minutes 5-4-22

MINUTES for regular meeting 5-4-22 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Benay McCue, Vice President; Jeff Souligne, Colleen Wepprecht, Randy Mann, Treasurer; Christy Strole, Secretary; Colleen Wepprecht via phone, and Claudia Berwanger. Time introduced her and welcomed her to our group, thanking her for her service. Homeowners: None Minutes of 4-6-22 approval: Jeff moved we approve the minutes as corrected. Randy seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Jeff seconded; motion carried. Public Comments: None Old Business: Consider adopting ComEd’s sample energy statement: We made some changes to make the document more cohesive. This would be separate from our Covenants and Bylaws. It says no one can get a permit without our approval, but Illinois law says we can’t stop people from installing solar or require them to put the panels in a place that would decrease efficiency by 10%. Would the homeowners to vote to adopt this? We need more research on rain barrels to differentiate them from tanks, and we need to talk to Ann Brezinski to see how to handle this document. Christy will type a new draft and get Ann’s take on this. Rip rap alternatives for Jason & Shelley Fritz: No news. Easter egg hunt: How many kids came? 350 eggs were enough for 12 for each of the 27 kids who came. Thanks, Colleen and Benay, for your work on this fun activity. Ours was held the same day Limestone Park District held theirs. Estes bid on fallen tree: Randy sent out bids and got three replies, two of whom dropped out. Estes will “chop and drop” the two trees, leaving the wood there, for $400. If we want him to grind it up and haul it out that will be $650. Benay moved we accept Estes’s bid to chop and drop, not grind and haul. Randy seconded; motion carried. IDOT public meeting re turn lane; Benay and Tim both called. Tim learned that the date of the meeting has not yet been set. Benay got the name of the guy in charge of the project and will send it to Tim, to see if it’s the same guy Tim talked to. Dufrain set to mow? I got insurance certificate: Randy contracted Estes, who has mowed the four lots already. He hasn’t done the entrance yet. We pay to have the park mowed, the park district does maintenance on the equipment. So we’re set for the year. New Business: Request for approval of modular home to be set on Fox Run Drive Lot 11: Chris James wants to put up a modular home and has talked with Tim and Colleen about it. He sent us a link showing how a firm in Indiana can assemble a full-sized two-story house on a basement in one day. The house meets our size requirements. This is not a mobile home (which is manufactured indoors and set on a chassis with wheels) or a manufactured home (which is manufactured indoors and set on a permanent foundation, usually two pieces joined together at the roof line.) This is a house built indoors in four separate modules, with drywall, plumbing, electric and flooring installed, trucked here on flatbeds and lifted into place by a crane. Our covenant #21 says “No structure shall be moved onto the subdivision from any off-site location.” In the past, we have denied homeowners who wanted to buy a pre-manufactured shed from Menards because of this covenant. Maybe our covenants should be changed now that modular homes can be built that are indistinguishable from stick-built homes? Colleen says maybe a modular home is not a “structure”? There are only three lots left in the subdivision, so how important is this? Randy points out that if we ever join with the subdivision behind us, many more lots would be in play. Benay moved that we pay Ann Brezinski for her opinion on whether our covenant #21 forces us to deny a modular home because it’s a structure. Jeff seconded; motion carried. Request for approval of Maria Gagnon’s shed: Christy moved we approve her shed plans. Randy seconded, motion carried. Chad & Kelly Degenhart sold 2234 Sunset View Lane and Scott Homerding sold 2264 Valley View Drive to Anthony Andre. Belva Stelk’s house is now owned by a trust, and her granddaughter Courtney Stelk lives there. Benay moved, Randy seconded we adjourn at 7:47. Motion carried.

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