Sunday, November 20, 2022

Minutes 2-2-22

MINUTES for annual meeting 2-2–22 via Zoom Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Claudia Berwanger, Randy Mann, Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary, Benay McCue Homeowners: None Election of officers: Christy moved , Benay seconded that Randy Mann serve as treasurer. Motion carried. Randy moved, Christy seconded, that Benay McCue serve as VP. Motion carried. Minutes of 1-5-22 approval: Benay moved we approve the minutes. Randy seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Benay seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: None. Old Business: Yield sign still leaning precariously Fox Run and River Bend Drive: no progress. Rip rap alternatives for Jason & Shelley Fritz: Benay called Mark Rodgers, he promises it’s on the list to be studied. Dusty Redman made a formal request, sent the letter in, so it’s in the works. Mark will be retiring. Lucas Stroud is his second in command. New Business: Election of Board Members Colleen Wepprecht, Benay McCue, Randy Mann and Claudia Berwanger has been accomplished in the last month. People responded to the election well this time! Pick a date for the garage sale: June 9th and 10th. Easter Egg hunt? Let’s wait and see if COVID goes down. Discuss next month. Mowing bids: We’ll keep Craig Dufrain instead of going out for bids. He’s going to reevaluate the fuel cost and raise his price, probably in March or April. Dues: I’ll send bills Feb. 15th. I’ll change the address for check payments to 2256 Ridge View Lane. Randy will get me a PayPal tutorial. Randy moved we adjourn. Benay seconded and motion carried, 7:25 pm

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