Sunday, November 20, 2022

Minutes 3-2-22

MINUTES for regular meeting 3-2–22 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Benay McCue, Vice President, Jeff Souligne, Colleen Wepprecht, Randy Mann, Treasurer; Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: Minutes of 2-2–22 approval: Colleen moved we approve the minutes. Benay seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Jeff seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: None Old Business: Consider solar panel regulation: Christy will ask her Certasun vendor what regulations made them ask for our HOA’s approval. Tim will call the county. For the three sets of solar panels in our subdivision, only one vendor contacted us before getting the permit. Maybe they don’t need our permission since we have nothing in our covenants? Should we have something in our covenants? Com Ed provides a boilerplate for HOAs. We still have questions: what do solar panels do to home values? Should we also have covenants regarding composting and rain barrels? The county has Section 121-296 – Small Wind Energy Systems (SWES) resolution No. 2009-11-10-174, sections 1, 2, 11-10-2009 regarding windmills in platted subdivisions. Let’s gather information and discuss next month. Rip rap alternatives for Jason & Shelley Fritz: Mark Rogers, head of the highway department, is looking at options. Greg Heiden is taking that job March 26. Andrew DeLong is looking at concrete mats, which are expensive. Options will be forwarded to Dusty Redmon at the township. New Business: 113 Resurfacing: The surveyors say the state highway will be resurfaced from Indian Trail to Edgewater. When asked if there would be a third lane for turning, they said the plans are not firm. There will be a meeting for public comment. Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 9th at 10:00 am. Rain date, April 16th. Benay will go get the stuff, Colleen will show up with kids and say “go!” at 10:00. Facebook group invitation: We’ll send an invitation with our next email announcing the April meeting. There’s no approval process, so anyone can join. It’s like a chat group. People could advertise lawn mowing and pet walking services. Thanks, Randy, for setting this up! Randy will also create a gmail account for the RBWCA treasurer. A tree has fallen on our river lot. Randy will get a close look at it and report back next month. Benay moved we adjourn at 7:52, Randy seconded, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Christy Strole 4-6-22

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