Sunday, November 20, 2022

Minutes 4-6-22

MINUTES for annual meeting 4-6-22 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Jeff Souligne, Colleen Wepprecht, Randy Mann Treasurer, Christy Strole, Secretary, Claudia Berwanger Homeowners: None Minutes of 3-2–22 approval: Randy moved we approve the minutes. Colleen seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Jeff seconded, motion carried. Six households have not paid their dues yet, and the deadline was April 1st. Zach Love just bought the house and contacted us to see if any money was due. Steve Schultz is hospitalized and Cathy is up north with him. We will give these two households an extra month without penalty. The other households will be charged $25 late fee plus $1/day. Christy will send them notices telling them what they owe now. Public Comments: None Old Business: Consider solar panel regulation Com Ed’s sample energy policy will be distributed with Tim’s notes on it, and we’ll discuss next month. Between now and then we’ll ask David Jaffe or Ann Brezinski what we have to do to change the covenants. We don’t have the authority to generate new covenants, only to enforce them. Homeowners will have to approve this change. Rip rap alternatives for Jason & Shelley Fritz: Benay’s waiting for a return call. Facebook page is live and advertises the Easter egg hunt! Thanks, Randy, for setting this up. Easter egg hunt April 9th: Colleen filled 350 eggs, four of which are golden eggs and include a $10 gift certificate for Dairy Queen. Is this enough? We’ll see. She gave her receipts totaling $96 to Randy for reimbursement. Christy will email the homeowners tonight reminding them of Saturday’s hunt, encouraging kids to bring. Basket. Tree down on river lot: Christy moved, Jeff seconded that we ask Estes to bid the removal of the fallen tree on the east edge of our river lot. Tim will ask Estes to bid the job of cutting the tree down from where it is caught up in its sisters branches. New Business: Do we want a turn lane? Route 113 is under construction and there will be a public meeting about the project. Tim will call IDOT and see when that public comment meeting is to be held. Let’s contact HOAs of the other subdivisions and see if they want to show up with us and ask IDOT to include a third lane to make driving out here safer. Edgewater has no HOA, but Christy will call her friend there and see if they want to join. Limestone Meadows has one, Christy will call Mary Keller or Amy DeLong. River Bluff has one, Colleen will call her friend. Indian Trail has none. River Crossing: Christy will call Carolyn Serene Heil Estates already has a turn lane. Do we want Dufrain to mow? We don’t have to take bids, and they never did us any good. Craig Dufrain said he’d have to raise his price because of the increased price of gas. Christy moved, Colleen seconded that we contract Craig Dufrain to do our mowing again this year, starting this month. Randy will contact him, Christy will email asking for his insurance certificate. Jeff moved, Claudia seconded we adjourn at 7:21. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Christy Strole, secretary Approved:

Tim Hauert, President 5-4-22

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