Thursday, July 8, 2021

RBWCA Minutes 6-2-21

MINUTES for regular meeting 6-2-21 at Limestone Library Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht via phone, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer, Benay McCue, Christy Strole, Secretary Homeowners: Randy Mann did not log onto the Zoom Minutes of 5-5-21 approval: Benay moved, Jim seconded: motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved, Andrea seconded; motion carried Public Comments: None Old Business: Two outstanding dues: Christy will send reminders. They owe $163 at this point. River lot: Clearing the brush: Christy moved we pay Ron O’Connor $1500 as bid to clear out the brush. Benay seconded, motion carried. Estes will trim the trees so we have a view of the river, after O’Connor clears the ground. We think it has been maybe six years since we last did this. Maybe we should budget to do it every year. River lot: Stopping the dumper: Tim spoke with the dumper and warned that Dept. of Natural Resources is interested in enforcing their no dumping on the river regulation. Dumper said he’d take it elsewhere, and loaded his trailer and left with a load that did not end up on our river lot. Someone is dumping more than grass clippings now. Chris Beard’s spec house will not be modular or pre-fab, he told Tim. Christy got back to Carol Keller. The house will have a basement and a third bay on the garage. New Business: People are speeding down Ridge View Lane from Love’s at the top of the hill down to 113. Tim will send an email reminder to all homeowners to slow down now that school is out. Andrea is running the ad for the garage sale. Christy will send an email Monday reminding people of the hours and days. Tim will put up the big sign on the entrance. Christy Moved we adjourn. Jim seconded, motion carried. Time: 7:11 pm

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