Thursday, July 8, 2021

RBWCA Minutes 3-3-21

MINUTES for regular annual meeting 3-3-21 Call to Order via Zoom: 6:32 Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer, Benay McCue, Christy Strole, Secretary. No homeowners present. Minutes of 2-3-21 approval: Benay moved, Andrea seconded, motion carried. Christy will rewrite the sentence “Currently our covenants and bylaws do not include golf carts,” so it doesn’t end mysteriously. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved, Benay seconded that we approve the checking account part of the treasurer’s report. Christy moved, Colleen seconded that we approve the savings account. The accounts are on separate pages for today’s meeting but in the future can go together to make one report. Old Business: We have more dues now than we did last year at this time. Paying electronically is working well. If people hook their PayPal to their credit card, there’s a fee to pay. If they hook their PayPal to their checking account, there is no fee to pay. Venmo has worked well, and some people are still paying with a check. Savings account: Lawyer David Jaffe says we’re not the kind of homeowner’s association that is limited in their saving. Jim opened a savings account, adding $2000 for 2020 and $2000 for 2021. This money will make interest. In January of 2022 we’ll add another $2000. This money will be used for projects that cost more than we can save in a year, or for unforeseen expenses. Research on bidding process: We are not a big enough homeowner’s association to be required to take bids on contracts. Christy sent an RFP to Dufrain asking for a bid by Feb. 27 and has not heard back. Tim will call Dufrain to see if he wants to continue. The board agrees we don’t need a bid from Clean Cut. Jim will talk with Estes, who thinks he can do the whole job of cleaning up the overgrowth along the river, and will report back next month. Research on golf carts: Tim talked to the secretary at the sheriff’s office. She lives in a subdivision that regulates golf carts, ATVs, UTVs, etc. in their covenants. Our covenants don’t mention it so we have no authority to regulate them, but we can call the county if we see violations. Benay will do some more research with the county sheriff. Election of board members, Election of Officers: We have enough votes to be a board now. Christy moved that Tim serve as president, Colleen seconded, motion carried. Christy moved that Andrea be vice president, Benay seconded, motion carried. Christy moved that Jim continue as treasurer, Colleen seconded, motion carried. Benay moved Christy be secretary, Colleen seconded, motion carried. New Business: Approve Buckley’s shed: Documents submitted right before the board meeting conform with the requirements of our covenants. Christy moved we approve their plans, Jim seconded, motion carried. Adjourn: Benay moved we adjourn, Christy seconded, motion carried at 7:35. Respectfully submitted, Christy Strole, Secretary Thanks to Andrea for setting up two Zoom meetings back to back tonight! Approved via Zoom: ______________________

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