Thursday, July 8, 2021

RBWCA Minutes 5-5-21

MINUTES for regular meeting 5-5-21 Call to Order via Zoom: 6:32 Presiding: Tim Hauert, President. Attending: Jeff Souligne; Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President; Colleen Wepprecht; Benay McCue; Christy Strole, Secretary. Homeowners: Randy Mann Minutes of 4-7-21 approval: Benay moved, Jeff seconded. Motion carries. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved, Benay seconded, motion carries. Public Comments: Carol Keller wonders if a modular home is being planned on lot 40. Chris Beard, the builder will call Tim back. If it’s a modular home, that’s not allowed by our covenants. Tim will talk to Chris, then Christy will talk to Carol. Old Business: Overdue dues: Jeff Vaughn, Chad Gessner. Christy will send them another bill. Shall Estes or O’Connor do the work at the river lot? We’ll go look at it right after this meeting to determine what the work should entail. Garage Sale dates were set as June 10-11-12. Hours will be 8-4 on Thursday and Friday, 8:00 to 12:-on Saturday, and Wednesday evening you can open for neighbors. Christy will send an email to homeowners. New Business: Michael Powers wants to put in a shed, but some of us didn’t get the specifications. He assured us it’ll be on a concrete slab. We looked at the plans (at the river lot) and they comply with our covenants. Andrea moved, and Christy seconded we approve his plan on a concrete slab. Motion carried. We reconvened at the river lot, except Jeff Souligne, Randy Mann and Colleen Wepprecht, to decide on specifications for the bids from Estes and O’Connor. The sumac is tall and obscures the view, as well as a couple of big invasive shrubs. We want the sumac and 3 tall bushes taken out. Tim will get Estes and O’Connor to come see what we want to have done. Consider barrier fence on river lot to foil dumpers: A large pile of grass clippings is on the river’s edge. We discussed fencing in the parking lot, so no vehicle could get to the bare spot on the west end of the lot to dump grass clippings. Tim will talk to the new county road commissioner to see how far the fence would have to be from the road. There are actually two entrances into the river lot off 113, so this might not work anyway. Benay said the Department of Natural Resources prosecutes dumpers. Tim will talk to the new road commissioner, Estes, and O’Connor about the river lot. Next month we’ll talk about a DNR report. Adjourned at the River Lot around 7:30 pm

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