Thursday, September 5, 2019

Minutes 8-7-19

MINUTES 8-7-19 Call to Order: 6:35 pm Present: Tim Hauert, President, Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer Christy Strole, Secretary, Lisa Meyer, Heather Gill and Jeff Souligne Public Comments: Jim Gall joined us but had no comments. Minutes approval: Lisa moved, Jeff seconded, minutes were approved as written. Treasurer’s report approval: For the June treasurer’s report, Christy moved, Andrea seconded, report was approved. For the July treasurer’s report, Lisa moved, Christy seconded, report was approved. Old Business: Dufrain re bid for cleaning up landscaping: He knows he won the bid but hasn’t done the work yet. Tim will call him to get him going. Deb Turner had some high school kids pull weeds as part of their community service. Violations: Lot 95: (debris in yard) Still has debris, now house is for sale. Lot 105: (debris in yard): Problem solved Lot 65: (dumping in retention pond) see below Lot 27: (trailer) They have kept it there for only four days, so that’s some improvement. Retention pond by Lot 65: Andrea called the township road commissioner, Glen Kramer, who met her and Jim Muhlstadt on the property. He said it’s on his list to clean up weeds and rock in the retention pond and by lot 38. Tim went to see Darwin at the County Health Department, and they walked the property. There is black water coming out of a pipe, so the leach field for lot 66 may not be functioning. The county health department, in response to two complaints, wants to do a dye test on Lot 66 but the owners are out of the county for a couple weeks. The owner of lot 65 emailed to ask what progress has been made: Christy will email him an update. New Business: Lisa moved, Andrea seconded a motion to reimburse Christy for postcards and 35 cent stamps: motion carried. Receipts were given to Jim. These postcards go to the people who don’t have email addresses to let them know about our regular monthly meetings. Welcome new people: John and Tina Varvel bought Lot 19 (Benoit): welcome letter was sent Tayler and Alex Blanchette bought Lot 94 (Robertsons); welcome letter was sent. Lot 95 (Hunt) is for sale. Lot 3: Don Anderson died. Curtis, his son, lives there so I’ll send him a letter Londa and Mark Tanner bought Lot 76 (Bukowski), and a welcome letter was sent. Lot 21 has a pile of branches behind the welcome sign at the corner of Stone Ridge Drive and Pipeline Road. Tim hauled a brush pile away on clean-up day but more brush has piled up. Some of it is from our birch trees and some is from Lot 21’s trees. Maybe DuFrain will clean it up when he does the entrance signs? We’ll wait until next month. If he doesn’t clean it up we’ll contact the owners. The owners of lot 1 keep their trailer on their lot. Christy will send an email reminding them of the covenants. Lot 84 has weeds taller than the bushes. The children have taken over the widow’s finances and are paying someone to mow, but not weed. Tim will contact the daughter of the owner of Lot 84 before the condition deteriorates. Jim said a homeowner complained that they got a letter from a lawyer without any neighbor ever having said anything about the complaint against them. This is a neighborhood, and people should feel comfortable approaching each other before going to the board. But they don’t always have that kind of relationship. One function of our HOA is to follow up on complaints for the homeowners so they don’t have to. It cost us a lot of money to have Ann Brezinski send letters, so Christy made a motion that in the future we first send an email from our RBWCA email reminding violators of the covenants. We could ask them to respond and give them a deadline, after which the matter will be turned over to the attorney. Lisa seconded, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Christy at 7:34, seconded by Andrea, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Christy Strole Approved ___________________________ Date: ____________9-4-19__________

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