Thursday, September 5, 2019

Minutes 2-7-18

RIVER BEND WEST COMMUNITY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7, 2018 Called to order at 6:30 pm by Dave Baron. Board members present were Dave Baron, Jeff Souligne, Debbie Turner, Jim Muhlstadt and Lisa Meyer. 2 homeowners present. Secretary’s report was read by Debbie with motion to approve by Jeff with one typo corrected, seconded by Lisa and all others agreed. Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Lisa and seconded by Jeff and all others agreed. Old Business: A check for $2000 will be paid to Estes tree service as they finished the clean up at the river front property. There are still a few dead ash trees which will be addressed at a later date. It was already voted to have them proceed with cleanup so no further vote or motion was needed. We will send a note in the next email about not dumping on the river bank now that it is all cleaned up and more visible. Someone has been dumping there in the past. Dave has a quote from Kirk Anderson for July 3 fireworks. The price is $2630 for a 45 minute show. Dave will check with the attorney about insurance and licenses needed. New Business: The budget was discussed and is about the same as 2017 except we will not have the river clean up in 2018. Debbie already figured the income taxes and mailed them. We talked about again having Tom Edwards for a summer concert since he got rained out last year after about 45 minutes. Dues forms and ballots for the board will be emailed or mailed soon as there was not a quorum at the meeting to elect a new board. One of the residents in attendance was upset that the new addition to River Bend which is under the same covenants as us are not abiding by the covenants. They do not have an association and Azzarelli Development is still in charge of enforcement. He wants our attorney involved and to contact their attorney to get issues resolved. He states the shed behind him is too big, there are trailers parked all over and above ground pools. He also is concerned that there are houses that are not hooked up to city water. We did remind all in attendance that addition is not part of our association but Debbie will talk to Sandy Girard about who to contact with concerns. It again was discussed that the houses that were recently sold were sent welcome letters with information about the association and covenants. There are still 3 houses for sale. Adjourned at 7 pm with a motion by Lisa and seconded by Jeff and all others agreed.

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