Thursday, September 5, 2019

Minutes 7-10-19

MINUTES 7-10-19 Call to Order: 6:33 Present: Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President Christy Strole, Secretary Heather Gill Jeff Souligne Public Comments: The owner of lot 65 appeared, alleging the farmer (Schneider) who owns the field adjacent to Lot 65 has dammed the flow of water out of lot 65 with corrugated metal plating, pilings and backfill so that water does not go into his field. So now water comes down Sunset Lane, into the retention pond, then onto lot 65 and has been standing for weeks. The owner of lot 67 has an aerated septic system and the owner of lot 65 is afraid that the output of that septic dumps onto lot 65. He also reported that our mowing contractor is not string trimming the rock ditch part of the retention pond. He asked our help to resolve his drainage problem. He asked that RBWCA reimburse him to rent a pump, which would probably cost less than $150, to do a one-time pump of the standing water over the corrugated metal sheet that Schneider allegedly erected. The board did not agree to that. He doesn’t want to have to come back next month. He talked to County Code Enforcement, who quoted the statute about no one being allowed to change the flow of water and suggested he come to this board. Andrea will contact the county, and then talk to Ann Brezinski. Christy will email DuFrain and ask about trimming the rock ditch. Minutes: Christy moved, Jeff seconded, minutes were approved with one typographical error corrected. Since these minutes are searchable on Google, we will use lot numbers instead of homeowner’s names to respect privacy. Treasurer’s report was not presented as Jim was not present. Old Business: Garage Sales June 13 & 14 were successful. The first day is always busier than the second. Maybe next year we should only do one day. New stop signs? Rich Berns referred Christy to the guy at the township responsible for stop signs. He said it was his job to replace stop signs as necessary. We can’t purchase one or repaint one, we just have to wait. Andrea asked if a sign was missing at the intersection of Route 114 and River Bend Drive. Christy will check. (There is a stop sign there.) Ann Brezinski wrote letters re violations: Lot 13: unpaid dues: They paid! Lot 95: (debris in yard) She has put her house on the market. Lot 105: (debris in yard) No response. Lot 105. Lot 65: (dumping in retention pond) He appeared at tonight’s meeting. Lot 27: (trailer) No response. Sending these letters cost us $461.75. Maybe in the future we email homeowners first from the RBWCA email account, signing it from “The RBWCA Board” and if the situation is not resolved within the timeframe we give, then we have Ann send a letter. Let’s discuss this again when more people are here. Welcome new homeowners: Strelczyks sold lot 12 to Katie & Alan Glidewell, welcome letter sent Robertsons will sell lot 94 soon: they close July 11, we don’t know who. Windmillers sold lot 80 to Raymond and Claudia Berwanger, welcome letter sent Bukowskis sold lot 76 to Mark and Londa Tanner: Christy will send a letter New Business: The bylaws require us to notify every homeowner of every meeting. Deb Turner said: “If it’s a recurring monthly meeting always the first Wednesday you don’t have to give notice. I did reminder emails and the signs. I only sent letters to the few without email for the annual meeting and special events. FYI Don Anderson died last week.” We will send an email every month to the group. We could have some postcards printed for the people who don’t have email addresses. Christy will buy different stamps for the postcards. The postcards will all be printed to say, “RBWCA Meeting is Wednesday at 6:30 at the library.” Christy bought a roll of stamps: if anyone needs some, see her. She moved that we reimburse her ($55), Jeff seconded, motion carried. Christy moved we reimburse Andrea for the expenses for the garage sale (about $40) and approve the bid from DuFrain to clean up the entrance landscaping. Heather seconded, motion carried. Christy moved we adjourn. Jeff seconded, motion carried. Adjourned 7:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Christy Strole __________________ Approved ________________ Date

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