Thursday, September 5, 2019

Minutes 6-5-19

MINUTES 6-5-19 Call to Order: 6:33 pm Present: Tim Hauert, President Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President Christy Strole, Secretary Jeff Souligne Public Comments: Dave Rivard asked what he has to do to build a three-season room. Just bring us the contractor’s plan for our approval before you apply for a permit. Minutes approval: Tim moved, Andrea seconded: minutes were approved unanimously. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved, Jeff seconded: treasurer’s report was approved unanimously. Old Business: Garage Sales June 13 & 14: Christy will send the homeowners an email, post it on River Bend Neighbors email group (which reaches other neighborhoods in our area) and see if we have a facebook page. If we do, she’ll post it there. Andrea has contacted the newspapers (Daily Journal and Herscher Pilot) and will submit the receipt at next month’s meeting. Clean-up Day: Tim cleaned up the sign by Benoits but the work needed at the 113 entrance is more than one guy can do in one morning. We decided to ask some guys what it would cost to have the landscaping work done. Tim will ask around and we’ll ask for bids next month. Darek Lee’s Fence: He did not tie it in to the neighbors, but butted up against it. Christy moved we approve his fence ex post facto: Jeff seconded and the motion carried. Betty Jo Baker’s mowing: Her yard has recently been mown. Her son says the family will have Clean Cut do the mowing. All dues paid? Only Holm has not paid. Christy will email Ann Brezinski to see what it will cost to send Holms a letter. We don’t want to spend $100 to get $75. New Business: Christy bought stamps: so if a board member needs to do a mailing, get stamps from Christy. Someone’s front deck is not approved: Randy Collins has done some work to his property. He fixed the drainage issue in the back yard, which was caused by cracked and crumbling tile, which had to be dug up underneath some landscaping. He put in a sidewalk on the side of his house so he can get to the back yard without going through the house. He didn’t build a new front porch, he raised the level of the current front porch. Christy moved, Jeff seconded that we approve his sidewalk ex post facto. Motion carried. Christy moved, Jeff seconded that we approve his improvements to the front porch ex post facto. Motion carried. Cara Johnston’s brush pile: She has a brush pile on the south edge of her yard at 2264 Valley View, between some trees or bushes, which violates Covenant #19. We will ask Ann Brezinski to write her about this. Jerome Warner, 2326 Sunset Turn, is dumping grass clippings in the retention pond, where we pay Dufrain to mow. We will ask Ann Brezinski to write him about this. Thomas and Victoria Klaman, 2895 River Bend Drive, leaves his third wheel trailer out for weeks, violating Covenant #20. We will ask Ann Brezinski to write them about this. Nicole and Steve Dunn, 2256 Ridge View Lane, also need to clean up their yard, which is in violation of Covenant #19. We will ask Ann Brezinski to write them about this. Welcome Letter: We need to welcome the new owners of lots #12 (fka Strelczyk), 94 (fka Robertson) and 80 (fka Windmiller). Christy will look up the new owners and send them the welcome letter, which asks for their email address and refers them to the link for the covenants. New stop signs: Some of our stop signs are in sad shape. Christy will call the Road District Garage, 815-939-1636 and ask what the procedure is for getting new signs. She emailed the township and got no response. Adjourned 7:30 pm Approved: __________________ Signed:___________________________

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