Thursday, September 5, 2019

Treasurer's report 8-2019

Treasurer's report 8-2019 07/01/19 Beginning cash balance $12,356.75 07/12/19 Com Ed -34.68 12,322.07 07/16/19 Check 1305 Dufrain Lawn Care -560.00 11,762.07 07/16/19 Check 1306 Ann Brezinski -761.75 11,000.32 07/26/19 Deposit (last dues payment) 100.00 11,100.32 07/31/19 Ending cash balance 11,100.32

Treasurer's report 3-2019

Treasurer's report March 1, 2019 - March 31, 2019 03/01/09 Beginning cash balance $6,160.37 03/05/19 Deposit (2019 dues) +3,450.00 9,610.37 03/15/19 Com Ed -43.15 9,567.22 03/26/19 Deposit (2019 dues) +2,550.00 12,117.22

Treasurer's Report 6-19

Treasurer's report June 1, 2019 - June 30, 2019 06/01/19 Beginning cash balance $13,025.04 06/07/19 Check 1304 Dufrain Lawn Care -630.00 12,395.04 06/13/19 Com Ed -38.29 12,356.75 06/30/19 Ending cash balance 12,356.75

Treasurer's Report 9-4-19

August 1 - August 31, 2019 08/01/09 Beginning cash balance 11,100.32 08/09/19 Check 1308 Christy Strole Stamps -55.00 11,045.32 08/13/19 Com Ed -34.27 11,045.32 08/19/19 Check 1311 US Liability Insurance -1297.00 9,714.05 08/20/19 Check 1307 Andrea Cinnamon (ads) -47.85 9,666.20 08/20/19 Check 1309 Christy Strole cards & stamps -91.52 9,574.68 08/23/19 Check 1310 Dufrain Lawn Care -630.00 8,944.68 08/31/19 Ending balance 8,944.68

Minutes 1-3-18

River bend West Community Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting Wednesday January 3, 2018 Limestone Library 6:30 pm Called to order at 6:35 pm by Debbie Turner. Board members present were Debbie Turner, Jeff Souligne, Jim Muhlstadt and Lisa Meyer. Secretary’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Lisa and seconded by Jim. All others agreed. Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Lisa and seconded by Jeff and all others agreed. Old business regarding the river clean up, retention pond and fireworks will be discussed next month when Dave is here with reports. New business discussed was the annual meeting. The date will be February 7 at 6:30 pm at the library. As in previous years, we have been holding it at the same time as the monthly meeting since turnout is low anyway. We will discuss ideas to use the money at the meeting. (parade, concert, fireworks etc) Betsy, Jim and Andrea are up for re-election. Jim and Andrea would like to stay on the board and Debbie will contact Betsy. Debbie will contact a few people to be on the nominating committee. Voting will be held at the annual meeting and then by mail as it is unlikely there will be a quorum at the annual meeting. Debbie will send out email notices of the meeting and mail the 5 that we don’t have emails for. Adjourned at 6:55 pm by Debbie.

Treasurer's Report 1-2018

Treasurer’s report Jan/Feb 2018 5381.72 -49.06 EFT COM ED 1-12-18 5332.66 -2000 Estes Tree Care 2-9-18 3332.66 -51.53 COM ED EFT 2-14-18 3281.13

Treasurer's Report 2-2018

Treasurer's Report Jan/Feb 2018 5381.72 -49.06 EFT COM ED 1-12-18 5332.66 -2000 Estes Tree Care 2-9-18 3332.66 -51.53 COM ED EFT 2-14-18 3281.13

Minutes 2-7-18

RIVER BEND WEST COMMUNITY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7, 2018 Called to order at 6:30 pm by Dave Baron. Board members present were Dave Baron, Jeff Souligne, Debbie Turner, Jim Muhlstadt and Lisa Meyer. 2 homeowners present. Secretary’s report was read by Debbie with motion to approve by Jeff with one typo corrected, seconded by Lisa and all others agreed. Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Lisa and seconded by Jeff and all others agreed. Old Business: A check for $2000 will be paid to Estes tree service as they finished the clean up at the river front property. There are still a few dead ash trees which will be addressed at a later date. It was already voted to have them proceed with cleanup so no further vote or motion was needed. We will send a note in the next email about not dumping on the river bank now that it is all cleaned up and more visible. Someone has been dumping there in the past. Dave has a quote from Kirk Anderson for July 3 fireworks. The price is $2630 for a 45 minute show. Dave will check with the attorney about insurance and licenses needed. New Business: The budget was discussed and is about the same as 2017 except we will not have the river clean up in 2018. Debbie already figured the income taxes and mailed them. We talked about again having Tom Edwards for a summer concert since he got rained out last year after about 45 minutes. Dues forms and ballots for the board will be emailed or mailed soon as there was not a quorum at the meeting to elect a new board. One of the residents in attendance was upset that the new addition to River Bend which is under the same covenants as us are not abiding by the covenants. They do not have an association and Azzarelli Development is still in charge of enforcement. He wants our attorney involved and to contact their attorney to get issues resolved. He states the shed behind him is too big, there are trailers parked all over and above ground pools. He also is concerned that there are houses that are not hooked up to city water. We did remind all in attendance that addition is not part of our association but Debbie will talk to Sandy Girard about who to contact with concerns. It again was discussed that the houses that were recently sold were sent welcome letters with information about the association and covenants. There are still 3 houses for sale. Adjourned at 7 pm with a motion by Lisa and seconded by Jeff and all others agreed.

Minutes 2-6-19

ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES 2-6-19 Board members present: Tim Hauert, Andrea Cinnamon, Jim Muhlstadt, JEFF Souligne, Heather Gill, Christy Strole Homeowners Present: Jim Sharper Meeting was called to order at 6:35, a quorum was present. Election of Board Members: We have about 15 proxy votes by email, and collected seven new ballots tonight. We don’t have the 28-vote minimum, so ballots will be emailed to the homeowners who have not yet voted, along with the dues notice. Five people prefer to have theirs mailed, so we will. Those who have already voted will only get the dues notice. Dues are $75 and are due by a day in April: Christy will look that up. Our checking account does not allow us to use electronic banking, so checks will be mailed to Jim Muhlstadt. Board Meeting Minutes: Minutes of the meeting of 1-9-19 were reviewed. Christy moved that they be approved. Heather seconded. Motion carried. Treasurer’s report was reviewed. Christy moved that they be approved. Heather seconded. Motion carried. Election of Officers: Officers cannot be elected until after we get 28 votes for the board members. Old Business: The structure behind Anderson’s house is a lean-to for firewood, not a structure so it doesn’t violate covenants. The subdivision to the south of us has some covenant violations that no one is enforcing. We have no authority over them. Andrea sent a gift certificate and thank-you card to Scott Styck, who told Jim to tell us he sincerely appreciated the gesture.   New Business: Garage Sale Dates: We want to avoid the weekend Briarciff holds theirs, and hold ours on the same date that Limestone Meadows does. Last year we had good traffic Friday but very little on Saturday, the second weekend of June. Limestone Meadows didn’t have a group date for their garage sales last year. Heather will ask her friend in Briarciff and we’ll decide next month. Cleanup Day: We’ll wait until April to pick a date when we know the weather forecast. Last year Deb and Donnie Turner did it themselves. Jim Sharper suggested we have the mowing contractor clean up for us. Mowing Bids: Christy will use an old bid form, adding “string trimming” and deleting the park mowing, since the park department does that mowing. We’ll ask that bids be submitted a week before the March meeting, so we can open bids and award the contract in March. We’ll send it to DuFrain, Clear Cut, and maybe others. Heather has a friend who might want to bid; if he’s interested, she’ll send Christy the contact information. Easter Egg Hunt: We want to keep this tradition going. We’ll probably have it April 13th, which is the Saturday a week before Easter. Andrea can get the stuff. Tim moved we adjourn at 7:15, Christy seconded, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Christy Strole Approved Date: ______________________ Signature: ___________________________

Treasurer's Report 1-2019

Treasurer's Report January 2019 01/01/19 Beginning cash balance 6288.70 01/02/19 State of Illinois filing fee -10.00 6278.70 01/14/19 ComEd -45.32 6233.38

Treasurer's report 11-2018

Treasurer's Report, November 1, 2018 - November 30, 2018 11/01/18 Beginning cash balance 6652.50 11/09/18 Com Ed (electricity) -39.61 6612.89 11/16/18 Dufrain Lawn Care -280.00 6332.89 11/30/18 Ending cash balance 6332.89

Treasurer's Report 12-2018

Treasurers Report December 1, 2018 thru December 31, 2018 12/01/18 Beginning cash balance 6332.89 12/12/18 ComEd (electricity) - 44.19 6288.70 12/31/18 Ending cash balance 6288.70

Minutes 8-7-19

MINUTES 8-7-19 Call to Order: 6:35 pm Present: Tim Hauert, President, Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer Christy Strole, Secretary, Lisa Meyer, Heather Gill and Jeff Souligne Public Comments: Jim Gall joined us but had no comments. Minutes approval: Lisa moved, Jeff seconded, minutes were approved as written. Treasurer’s report approval: For the June treasurer’s report, Christy moved, Andrea seconded, report was approved. For the July treasurer’s report, Lisa moved, Christy seconded, report was approved. Old Business: Dufrain re bid for cleaning up landscaping: He knows he won the bid but hasn’t done the work yet. Tim will call him to get him going. Deb Turner had some high school kids pull weeds as part of their community service. Violations: Lot 95: (debris in yard) Still has debris, now house is for sale. Lot 105: (debris in yard): Problem solved Lot 65: (dumping in retention pond) see below Lot 27: (trailer) They have kept it there for only four days, so that’s some improvement. Retention pond by Lot 65: Andrea called the township road commissioner, Glen Kramer, who met her and Jim Muhlstadt on the property. He said it’s on his list to clean up weeds and rock in the retention pond and by lot 38. Tim went to see Darwin at the County Health Department, and they walked the property. There is black water coming out of a pipe, so the leach field for lot 66 may not be functioning. The county health department, in response to two complaints, wants to do a dye test on Lot 66 but the owners are out of the county for a couple weeks. The owner of lot 65 emailed to ask what progress has been made: Christy will email him an update. New Business: Lisa moved, Andrea seconded a motion to reimburse Christy for postcards and 35 cent stamps: motion carried. Receipts were given to Jim. These postcards go to the people who don’t have email addresses to let them know about our regular monthly meetings. Welcome new people: John and Tina Varvel bought Lot 19 (Benoit): welcome letter was sent Tayler and Alex Blanchette bought Lot 94 (Robertsons); welcome letter was sent. Lot 95 (Hunt) is for sale. Lot 3: Don Anderson died. Curtis, his son, lives there so I’ll send him a letter Londa and Mark Tanner bought Lot 76 (Bukowski), and a welcome letter was sent. Lot 21 has a pile of branches behind the welcome sign at the corner of Stone Ridge Drive and Pipeline Road. Tim hauled a brush pile away on clean-up day but more brush has piled up. Some of it is from our birch trees and some is from Lot 21’s trees. Maybe DuFrain will clean it up when he does the entrance signs? We’ll wait until next month. If he doesn’t clean it up we’ll contact the owners. The owners of lot 1 keep their trailer on their lot. Christy will send an email reminding them of the covenants. Lot 84 has weeds taller than the bushes. The children have taken over the widow’s finances and are paying someone to mow, but not weed. Tim will contact the daughter of the owner of Lot 84 before the condition deteriorates. Jim said a homeowner complained that they got a letter from a lawyer without any neighbor ever having said anything about the complaint against them. This is a neighborhood, and people should feel comfortable approaching each other before going to the board. But they don’t always have that kind of relationship. One function of our HOA is to follow up on complaints for the homeowners so they don’t have to. It cost us a lot of money to have Ann Brezinski send letters, so Christy made a motion that in the future we first send an email from our RBWCA email reminding violators of the covenants. We could ask them to respond and give them a deadline, after which the matter will be turned over to the attorney. Lisa seconded, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Christy at 7:34, seconded by Andrea, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Christy Strole Approved ___________________________ Date: ____________9-4-19__________

Minutes 7-10-19

MINUTES 7-10-19 Call to Order: 6:33 Present: Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President Christy Strole, Secretary Heather Gill Jeff Souligne Public Comments: The owner of lot 65 appeared, alleging the farmer (Schneider) who owns the field adjacent to Lot 65 has dammed the flow of water out of lot 65 with corrugated metal plating, pilings and backfill so that water does not go into his field. So now water comes down Sunset Lane, into the retention pond, then onto lot 65 and has been standing for weeks. The owner of lot 67 has an aerated septic system and the owner of lot 65 is afraid that the output of that septic dumps onto lot 65. He also reported that our mowing contractor is not string trimming the rock ditch part of the retention pond. He asked our help to resolve his drainage problem. He asked that RBWCA reimburse him to rent a pump, which would probably cost less than $150, to do a one-time pump of the standing water over the corrugated metal sheet that Schneider allegedly erected. The board did not agree to that. He doesn’t want to have to come back next month. He talked to County Code Enforcement, who quoted the statute about no one being allowed to change the flow of water and suggested he come to this board. Andrea will contact the county, and then talk to Ann Brezinski. Christy will email DuFrain and ask about trimming the rock ditch. Minutes: Christy moved, Jeff seconded, minutes were approved with one typographical error corrected. Since these minutes are searchable on Google, we will use lot numbers instead of homeowner’s names to respect privacy. Treasurer’s report was not presented as Jim was not present. Old Business: Garage Sales June 13 & 14 were successful. The first day is always busier than the second. Maybe next year we should only do one day. New stop signs? Rich Berns referred Christy to the guy at the township responsible for stop signs. He said it was his job to replace stop signs as necessary. We can’t purchase one or repaint one, we just have to wait. Andrea asked if a sign was missing at the intersection of Route 114 and River Bend Drive. Christy will check. (There is a stop sign there.) Ann Brezinski wrote letters re violations: Lot 13: unpaid dues: They paid! Lot 95: (debris in yard) She has put her house on the market. Lot 105: (debris in yard) No response. Lot 105. Lot 65: (dumping in retention pond) He appeared at tonight’s meeting. Lot 27: (trailer) No response. Sending these letters cost us $461.75. Maybe in the future we email homeowners first from the RBWCA email account, signing it from “The RBWCA Board” and if the situation is not resolved within the timeframe we give, then we have Ann send a letter. Let’s discuss this again when more people are here. Welcome new homeowners: Strelczyks sold lot 12 to Katie & Alan Glidewell, welcome letter sent Robertsons will sell lot 94 soon: they close July 11, we don’t know who. Windmillers sold lot 80 to Raymond and Claudia Berwanger, welcome letter sent Bukowskis sold lot 76 to Mark and Londa Tanner: Christy will send a letter New Business: The bylaws require us to notify every homeowner of every meeting. Deb Turner said: “If it’s a recurring monthly meeting always the first Wednesday you don’t have to give notice. I did reminder emails and the signs. I only sent letters to the few without email for the annual meeting and special events. FYI Don Anderson died last week.” We will send an email every month to the group. We could have some postcards printed for the people who don’t have email addresses. Christy will buy different stamps for the postcards. The postcards will all be printed to say, “RBWCA Meeting is Wednesday at 6:30 at the library.” Christy bought a roll of stamps: if anyone needs some, see her. She moved that we reimburse her ($55), Jeff seconded, motion carried. Christy moved we reimburse Andrea for the expenses for the garage sale (about $40) and approve the bid from DuFrain to clean up the entrance landscaping. Heather seconded, motion carried. Christy moved we adjourn. Jeff seconded, motion carried. Adjourned 7:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Christy Strole __________________ Approved ________________ Date

Minutes 6-5-19

MINUTES 6-5-19 Call to Order: 6:33 pm Present: Tim Hauert, President Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President Christy Strole, Secretary Jeff Souligne Public Comments: Dave Rivard asked what he has to do to build a three-season room. Just bring us the contractor’s plan for our approval before you apply for a permit. Minutes approval: Tim moved, Andrea seconded: minutes were approved unanimously. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved, Jeff seconded: treasurer’s report was approved unanimously. Old Business: Garage Sales June 13 & 14: Christy will send the homeowners an email, post it on River Bend Neighbors email group (which reaches other neighborhoods in our area) and see if we have a facebook page. If we do, she’ll post it there. Andrea has contacted the newspapers (Daily Journal and Herscher Pilot) and will submit the receipt at next month’s meeting. Clean-up Day: Tim cleaned up the sign by Benoits but the work needed at the 113 entrance is more than one guy can do in one morning. We decided to ask some guys what it would cost to have the landscaping work done. Tim will ask around and we’ll ask for bids next month. Darek Lee’s Fence: He did not tie it in to the neighbors, but butted up against it. Christy moved we approve his fence ex post facto: Jeff seconded and the motion carried. Betty Jo Baker’s mowing: Her yard has recently been mown. Her son says the family will have Clean Cut do the mowing. All dues paid? Only Holm has not paid. Christy will email Ann Brezinski to see what it will cost to send Holms a letter. We don’t want to spend $100 to get $75. New Business: Christy bought stamps: so if a board member needs to do a mailing, get stamps from Christy. Someone’s front deck is not approved: Randy Collins has done some work to his property. He fixed the drainage issue in the back yard, which was caused by cracked and crumbling tile, which had to be dug up underneath some landscaping. He put in a sidewalk on the side of his house so he can get to the back yard without going through the house. He didn’t build a new front porch, he raised the level of the current front porch. Christy moved, Jeff seconded that we approve his sidewalk ex post facto. Motion carried. Christy moved, Jeff seconded that we approve his improvements to the front porch ex post facto. Motion carried. Cara Johnston’s brush pile: She has a brush pile on the south edge of her yard at 2264 Valley View, between some trees or bushes, which violates Covenant #19. We will ask Ann Brezinski to write her about this. Jerome Warner, 2326 Sunset Turn, is dumping grass clippings in the retention pond, where we pay Dufrain to mow. We will ask Ann Brezinski to write him about this. Thomas and Victoria Klaman, 2895 River Bend Drive, leaves his third wheel trailer out for weeks, violating Covenant #20. We will ask Ann Brezinski to write them about this. Nicole and Steve Dunn, 2256 Ridge View Lane, also need to clean up their yard, which is in violation of Covenant #19. We will ask Ann Brezinski to write them about this. Welcome Letter: We need to welcome the new owners of lots #12 (fka Strelczyk), 94 (fka Robertson) and 80 (fka Windmiller). Christy will look up the new owners and send them the welcome letter, which asks for their email address and refers them to the link for the covenants. New stop signs: Some of our stop signs are in sad shape. Christy will call the Road District Garage, 815-939-1636 and ask what the procedure is for getting new signs. She emailed the township and got no response. Adjourned 7:30 pm Approved: __________________ Signed:___________________________