Monday, July 30, 2012


At 6:30 pm Erin asked for motion to start meeting Dave made motion and Steve seconded All others agreed
Board members present: Erin Walker, Debbie Turner, Dave Baron, Steve Devine 2 homeowners present
Secretaries report read by Debbie Motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve All others agreed
Treasurers report read by Debbie Motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve and all others agreed
Miscellaneous Dave made a motion to have Middleton Excavating do the work of removing the cattails at the retention pond Erin seconded and all others agreed Debbie will call him and check insurance Debbie made a motion to have Dave get the garage sale sign from Teamprint for $100 Erin seconded and all others agreed There were 12 kids at the Easter egg hunt Motion by Erin to pay Debbie $56 for eggs, candy stamps and lawn bags Dave seconded and all others agreed Motion by Erin to pay Andrea $19.03 for the prize baskets Seconded by Debbie and all others agreed Motion by Erin to buy 2 Barberry Cabernet for the 113 sign that died Seconded by Dave all others agreed Debbie will buy them to plant at clean up on April 21 8am Debbie will send email to remind all residents Meet at the 113 sign Motion by Debbie to accept the bid from Jim Horchem to continue mowing Seconded by Erin and all others agreed He was the lowest bid again this year (same price as last year) Debbie again asked him for a bill for last years mowing. Motioin by Dave to pay AnnBrezinski $592.50 for fees so far this year Seconded by Steve and all others agreed 80 people have paid dues so far about 15 left to pay Second notice went out
There was some discussion with the homeowners present about what to do with the Shell money Talk again about the river front and a possible pavilion at the park We will talk to Francis Ciaccio about the park One homeowner wrote on her dues notice about the rocks at the corner of Valley View and River Bend We will have Leroy talk to Kramer about options to make it look better Debbie will ask Christy to add dates to the website and fix the email address and ask people to be courteous and clean up after their dogs No closed session needed
Motion at 7:10 pm by Dave to adjourn seconded by Erin and all others agreed


River Bend Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting Wed May1, 2012

Limestone Township Library
Board Members present: Leroy Sarowatz, Debbie Turner, Steve Devine and Andrea Cinnamon
Leroy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm
Debbie read the secretaries report motion by Steve to approve and seconded by Andrea all others agreed
Debbie read the treasurers report motion by Steve to approve and seconded by Andrea all others agreed
A gazebo at the park was brought up again and it was felt that the park should pay for it not us and that they should also be mowing not us
Debbie will let the attorney know that the boat and trailer are both gone so no further action needs to be taken
Debbie will be sure Rod Middleton gets us a copy of his insurance before he starts the work
Debbie will send 2 letters to people who have trailers in their driveways
Steve will talk to the homeowner about overgrown yard and see if some of us could help her out as neighbors not as a board- no association money will be used if she agrees
Debbie will send letters to the 4 homeowners who have not paid their dues with an excerpt from the covenants stating that they must pay and there could be a lien placed for nonpayment (one house is in foreclosure already)
Motion by Steve to adjourn at 7pm seconded by Leroy and all others agreed

5-4-12 EFT Com Ed $36.84 $26425.99
5-11-12 Deposit $75.00 $26500.99
5-14-12 #1171 Auto Owners $539.00 $25961.99
6-1-12 Deposit $75.00 $26036.99
6-4-12 Deposit $75.00 26111.99
6-14-12 EFT Com Ed $38.46 26073.53
6-14-12 #1172 Taxes $49.78 26023.75
6-14-12 #1173 MEI $1700.00 24323.75
7-12-12 EFT Com Ed $32.57 24291.18

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Erin called meeting to order at 6:30 pm with motion by Debbie and seconded by Chris
Board members present: Erin Walker, Leroy Sarowatz, Debbie Turner, Chris Benoit, Andrea Cinnamon
Secretaries report read by Debbie There were 3 separate reports to read motion to approve by Chris seconded by Leroy done three times for each report
Treasurers report read by Debbie Motion to approve by Chris and seconded by Leroy Motion by Deb and seconded by Andrea to pay attorney $1245 for last years work Motion by Andrea and seconded by Chris to pay Debbie $110.50 for ink, envelopes, stamps and $37 to county clerk for lien. 22 people have paid dues so far this year
Miscellaneous: Chris will check on prices for Easter eggs and order if able to ship for 3-31 Andrea and Debbie will get prize baskets, eggs if Chris does not and they will set up on the day of the hunt
Leroy had a bid from Tobeys for the retention pond for $10,000 Debbie has one bid from Rod Middleton for $3400 and is waiting for a bid from Ron O’Connor We will decide next month and have them do this as soon as possible with a guarantee Rod also gave a bid of $1400 to do work on river bank if we want that done pending approval
Leroy had questions about when board was formed which was 2003 and first dues were paid in 2004 He also stated there is one trailer and one truck on Sunset View Dr so Debbie will send letters
Vaslie properties approved that we move the pile of debris on their property They were not aware that other residents had dumped there Chris also mentioned that we should burn the branches down by the river lot on clean up day
Motion to adjourn at 7pm by Debbie and seconded by Andrea

Balance forward $5171.22
1-5-12 #1160 Postmaster (Postcards) $34.56 $5136.66
1-5-12 #1161 void
1-5-12 #1162 Debbie (Stamps and envelopes) $10.25 $5126.41
1-18-12 EFT Com Ed $46.85 $5079.56
1-24-12 Shell Deposit $15,792.00 $20871.56
2-4-12 #1163 taxes Phyllis McDowell $35.00 $20836.56
2-4-12 #1164 Deb (labels, stencils, paint) $19.66 $20816.90
2-17-12 EFT Com Ed $42.73 $20774.17
3-9-12 EFT Com Ed $40.46 $20773.71
3-9-12 #1165 Debbie (ink, envelopes, county, stamps) $110.50 $20623.21
3-9-12 #1166 Atty for 2011 fees $1245 $19378.21
3-16-12 Deposit 58 lots $4350 $23728.21
3-30-12 Deposit 22 lots $1650 $25378.21

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin Board members present Erin Walker, Debbie Turner, Jim Gall, Leroy Sarowatz, Dave Baron and Linda Faber filling in for Jeff Duffield until the election One homeowner present

Secretaries report read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Leroy and all others agreed

Treasurers report read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Leroy and all others agreed

Misc- Debbie asked to be reimbursed for $10.25 for stamps and envelopes Dave made a motion and Leroy seconded and all others agreed Erin has not heard back from the attorney for the third month in a row so we will seek a new attorney for the association Dave knows a few and will make some calls Debbie talked to Tanners about signs for garage sales and the meetings $25 for small with no frame and $100 framed and the banners would be $90 each Just Signs (Jamie OConnor)never called back Dave also knows people who do banners and will call and get a price Debbie will talk to Mike Scanlon about metal signs for the meetings The library is booked for the annual meeting Feb 4 at 10:30 and postcards will be sent by Debbie next week These will include date time place need for new board members bring ideas for use of money from Shell along with the website and email Debbie called for the third time about a mowing bill from J P Horchem and again he did not return the call Debbie talked to Phyllis the accountant and can make the appointment after the Dec bank statement is received

Nominating committee of Chad Gessner Shan Cinnamon and Christy Strole talked to 6 people about being on the board Linda Faber said she will if no one else will Andrea Cinnamon volunteered to run Erin will stay on the board We will see if anyone volunteers at the meeting

Dues notices will go out Mar1 for Apr 1 due date

Linda received an anonymous letter in her mailbox complaining about a dog in the next subdivision that is bothering them with excessive barking the house is behind Linda and she states she has not noticed the dog barking since they are not part of our association and the letter is not signed there is nothing more to do

Dave made a motion at 6:50 pm to go into closed session and Linda seconded and all others agreed

5-5-11 EFT COM ED $36.01 $8232.17
5-6-11 AUTO OWNERS $517 $7715.17
5-11-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7790.17
5-19-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7865.17
6-2-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7940.17
6-6-11 JEFF DUFFIELD MOWING $580 $7360.17
6-6-11 TAXES $49.14 $7311.03
6-16-11 COM ED EFT $38.10 $7272.93
7-1-11 JEFF MOWING $435 $6837.93
7-6-11 EFT COM ED $36.90 $6801.03
7-26-11 JEFF (MOWING) $435 $6366.03
8-1-11 DEPOSIT (ONE LOT) $100 $6466.03
8-6-11 COM ED (EFT) $38.34 $6427.69
8-6-11 #1155 DEBBIE SIGNS $6.12 $6421.57
8-6-11 #1156 DATWEILER INS $1060 $5361.57
9-3-11 COM ED (EFT) $36.63 $5324.94
9-8-11 #1157 Debbie Turner bulb $31.86 $5293.08
9-30-11 Com Ed (EFT) $40.93 $5252.15
11-1-11 Come Ed (EFT) $42.40 $5209.75
12-4-11 Com Ed (EFT) $45.40 $5164.35
12-7-11 #1158 Erin Walker (flowers Jeff) $58.13 $5106.22
12-8-11 #1159 Sec of State $10.00 $5096.22
12-9-11 Deposit Leroy Sarowatz dues $75.00 $5171.22
1-5-12 #1160 Postmaster (Postcards) $34.56 $5136.66
1-5-12 #1161 void
1-5-12 #1162 Debbie (Stamps and envelopes) $10.25 $5126.41
1-18-12 EFT Com Ed $46.85 $5079.56
1-24-12 Shell Deposit $15,792.00 $20871.56

Saturday, January 7, 2012


5-5-11 EFT COM ED $36.01 $8232.17
5-6-11 AUTO OWNERS $517$7715.17
5-11-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7790.17
5-19-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7865.17
6-2-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7940.17
6-6-11 JEFF DUFFIELD MOWING $580 $7360.17
6-6-11 TAXES $49.14 $7311.03
6-16-11 COM ED EFT $38.10 $7272.93
7-1-11 JEFF MOWING $435 $6837.93
7-6-11 EFT COM ED $36.90 $6801.03
7-26-11 JEFF (MOWING) $435 $6366.03
8-1-11 DEPOSIT (ONE LOT) $100 $6466.03
8-6-11 COM ED (EFT) $38.34 $6427.69
8-6-11 #1155 DEBBIE SIGNS $6.12 $6421.57
8-6-11 #1156 DATWEILER INS $1060 $5361.57
9-3-11 COM ED (EFT) $36.63 $5324.94
9-8-11 #1157 Debbie Turner bulb $31.86 $5293.08
9-30-11 Com Ed (EFT) $40.93 $5252.15
11-1-11 Come Ed (EFT) $42.40 $5209.75
12-4-11 Com Ed (EFT) $45.40 $5164.35
12-7-11 #1158 Erin Walker (flowers Jeff) $58.13 $5106.22
12-8-11 #1159 Sec of State $10.00 $5096.22
12-9-11 Deposit Leroy Sarowatz dues $75.00 $5171.22

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm by Erin Walker. Board members present: Erin Walker, Debbie Turner, Jim Gall, Chris Benoit, Dave Baron and Leroy Sarowatz. We are now short one board member after the sudden death of Jeff Duffield last month. One homeowner, Linda Faber, was present and volunteered to be on the board to fill the vacancy until the election.
Secretaries report was read by Debbie, motion to approve by Dave , seconded by Leroy and all others agreed.
Treasurers report was read by Debbie, motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Leroy and all others agreed. Two new bills were presented: $10 to Secretary of State for the association annual report and $58.13 to Erin Walker for the flowers she ordered for Jeff’s services. Dave made a motion to pay these bills and Leroy seconded and all others agreed.
Old Business: Erin will call the attorney again as we have not heard back from her on the status of the lawsuits for non dues payment and the boat or her opinion on the new attached garage.
New Business: Leroy suggested we order three banners for the annual garage sale to post at the entrances. Debbie asked if she could get better signs made for the meeting notices as the old ones are in bad shape. Debbie will call again about the mowing bill and Erin will ask the attorney about her bill before the end of the year. Debbie will get the taxes done after Jan 1. We will have a sign up sheet at the annual meeting asking for email addresses so we can do an email vote on future issues since very few people come to the meetings to vote. We will talk about the shell money and what to do with it at the annual meeting. Dave asked for a new listing of all homeowners, Debbie will provide this to the board members. The annual meeting will be Feb 4, 2011 at the library at 10 am. Debbie will check with the library that the room is available. A nominating committee was named: Shan Cinnamon, Chad Gessner and Christy Strole. Debbie will call and ask them to get homeowners to replace Jim Gall and Jeff Duffield. Erin will let us know if she wants to run again. Chris will stay on as long as his work schedule does not change. Through word of mouth we heard that Steve Devine and Rich Berns may be interested as is Linda Faber if needed.

The meeting was adjourned at 7pm with a motion by Dave and seconded by Chris and all others agreed.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


5-5-11 EFT COM ED $36.01 $8232.17
5-6-11 AUTO OWNERS $517 $7715.17
5-11-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7790.17
5-19-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7865.17
6-2-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7940.17
6-6-11 JEFF DUFFIELD MOWING $580 $7360.17
6-6-11 TAXES $49.14 $7311.03
6-16-11 COM ED EFT $38.10 $7272.93
7-1-11 JEFF MOWING $435 $6837.93
7-6-11 EFT COM ED $36.90 $6801.03
7-26-11 JEFF (MOWING) $435 $6366.03
8-1-11 DEPOSIT (ONE LOT) $100 $6466.03
8-6-11 COM ED (EFT) $38.34 $6427.69
8-6-11 #1155 DEBBIE SIGNS $6.12 $6421.57
8-6-11 #1156 DATWEILER INS $1060 $5361.57
9-3-11 COM ED (EFT) $36.63 $5324.94
9-8-11 #1157 Debbie Turner bulb $31.86 $5293.08
9-30-11 Com Ed (EFT) $40.93 $5252.15
11-1-11 Come Ed (EFT) $42.40 $5209.75
12-4-11 Com Ed (EFT) $45.40 $5164.35
12-7-11 #1158 Erin Walker (flowers Jeff) $58.13 $5106.22
12-8-11 #1159 Sec of State $10.00 $5096.22
12-9-11 Deposit Leroy Sarowatz dues $75.00 $5171.22

RIVER BEND WEST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MONTHLY BOARD MEETING Wednesday October 5, 2011 6:30 pm Limestone Library Called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin Board members present: Erin Walker, Jeff Duffield, Debbie Turner, Jim Gall, Chris Benoit, Dave Baron, and Leroy Sarowatz. One homeowner present Secretaries report read by Debbie Motion to approve by Dave seconded by Jeff and all others agreed Treasurers report read by Debbie Motion to approve by Dave seconded by Jeff and all others agreed Miscellaneous: Leroy went to the township meeting and now they say that all the intersections will be torn up and replaced when the water is brought in. Leroy also did some research on what we could do at the river lot in the future with the Shell money. A brief summary is: need a state permit which should be easy to get could do work on the river bank to make it accessible no solid structure but pavilion would probably be ok picnic tables must be in cement no survey needed need drawing for permit who would pay for upkeep? Bids? Our ideas : fence no playground street lights Mail or email vote Letter to submit ideas Cable without lock to deter people not going in who shouldn’t floating dock New garage has only a roof and no walls so therefore it is not enclosed A letter will be sent to him to tell him he must follow the plans he submitted and according to the covenants It was brought up again that all attorney fees the association has because of a covenant issue should be reimbursed by that homeowner Motion by Dave at 7:15pm to adjourn the meeting seconded by Jeff and all others agreed


River Bend Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting Wed Sep 7, 2011
Limestone Township Library
Called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin Walker
Board members present: Erin Walker, Jeff Duffield, Debbie Turner, Jim Gall, Chris Benoit, Leroy Sarowatz and Dave Baron 3 homeowners present
Debbie read the secretaries report motion to approve by Dave seconded by Leroy and all others agreed
Debbie read the treasurers report Motion to approve by Dave seconded by Jeff and all others agreed
Leroy went to the township board meeting when they discussed road repairs after the water mains are done They stated the roads would not be torn up as they are going under the roads
One homeowner present suggested that we use the money form the Shell settlement to improve the river lot: benches, gazebo, river access, pavilion, fire pit, picnic tables, etc. It was decided that the board would come up with about 4 ideas and it would be voted on at the annual meeting as to how to spend the money Email and letters will go out to remind people of this and ask their input as it is their association
Debbie asked for a motion to pay her $31.86 for the lightbulb that was burned out on the sign at 113 Dave made the motion and Jeff seconded and all others agreed
Erin asked for a motion at 7pm to go into closed session Jeff made the motion and Debbie seconded and all others agreed

5-5-11 EFT COM ED $36.01 $8232.17
5-6-11 AUTO OWNERS $517 $7715.17
5-11-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7790.17
5-19-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7865.17
6-2-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7940.17
6-6-11 JEFF DUFFIELD MOWING $580 $7360.17
6-6-11 TAXES $49.14 $7311.03
6-16-11 COM ED EFT $38.10 $7272.93
7-1-11 JEFF MOWING $435 $6837.93
7-6-11 EFT COM ED $36.90 $6801.03
7-26-11 JEFF (MOWING) $435 $6366.03
8-1-11 DEPOSIT (ONE LOT) $100 $6466.03
8-6-11 COM ED (EFT) $38.34 $6427.69
8-6-11 #1155 DEBBIE SIGNS $6.12 $6421.57
8-6-11 #1156 DATWEILER INS $1060 $5361.57
9-3-11 COM ED (EFT) $36.36 $5325.21
9-8-11 #1157 Debbie Turner bulb $31.86 $5293.35
9-30-11 Com Ed (EFT) $40.93 $5252.42


Board members present: Erin Walker Debbie Turner Chris Benoit Jim Gall Leroy Sarowatz Dave Baron
Called to order at 6:30pm
Secretaries report read by Debbie
Motion to approve Dave
Second Leroy
All others agreed
Treasurers report read by Debbie
Motion to approve Leroy
Second Jim
All others agreed
Motion by Leroy Second by Jim to pay Debbie $6.12 for No Dumping signs
Motion by Dave Second by Jim to pay Ins of $1060 to Datweiler for officers
Misc Shell can wait to disperse money until Jan 2012 and as long as the account is not used to make money we can carry it over for a specified project We will talk about ideas at the next meeting
Leroy goes to the township meetings and will let us know about how they plan on fixing the roads after the water is brought in He will also review the 2 insurance policies to be sure they are accurate for the association
Erin asked to go into closed session at 6:55pm
Motion by Chris
Seconded by Dave
All others agreed

5-5-11 EFT COM ED $36.01 $8232.17
5-6-11 AUTO OWNERS $517 $7715.17
5-11-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7790.17
5-19-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7865.17
6-2-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7940.17
6-6-11 JEFF DUFFIELD MOWING $580 $7360.17
6-6-11 TAXES $49.14 $7311.03
6-16-11 COM ED EFT $38.10 $7272.93
7-1-11 JEFF MOWING $435 $6837.93
7-6-11 EFT COM ED $36.90 $6801.03
7-26-11 JEFF (MOWING) $435 $6366.03
8-1-11 DEPOSIT (ONE LOT) $100 $6466.03
8-6-11 COM ED (EFT) $38.34 $6427.69
8-6-11 #1155 DEBBIE SIGNS $6.12 $6421.57
8-6-11 #1156 DATWEILER INS $1060 $5361.57
9-3-11 COM ED (EFT) $36.36 $5325.21
9-8-11 Debbie Turner Lightbulb $31.86 $5293.35


5-5-11 EFT COM ED $36.01 $8232.17
5-6-11 AUTO OWNERS $517 $7715.17
5-11-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7790.17
5-19-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7865.17
6-2-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7940.17
6-6-11 JEFF DUFFIELD MOWING $580 $7360.17
6-6-11 TAXES $49.14 $7311.03
6-16-11 COM ED EFT $38.10 $7272.93
7-1-11 JEFF MOWING $435 $6837.93
7-6-11 EFT COM ED $36.90 $6801.03
7-26-11 JEFF (MOWING) $435 $6366.03
8-1-11 DEPOSIT (ONE LOT) $100 $6466.03

Erin Walker Jeff Duffield Debbie Turner Jim Gall Leroy Sarowatz
2 homeowners present Diana from Shell present
Erin called the meeting to order at 6:30 with a motion by Debbie and seconded by Jeff.
Diana explained about the easement by 113 on the river lot that would result in us getting a large sum of money from the Shell settlement. Erin had the attorney review the papers and they were in orde.r We need to get our tax ID number from the accountant and check to see that we can carry that money over to 2012 without a penalty. Shell wants it dispersed as soon as possible. Erin and Jeff will sign the papers with a notary. Debbie made the motion and Leroy seconded. The secretaries report was read by Debbie, Jeff made a motion to approve and Leroy seconded and all others agreed. Debbie read the treasurers report, Jeff made a motion to approve, Jim seconded and all others agreed. Erin had the architects blueprints for Windmiller’s garage. They are within compliance of the covenants so they were approved. (this was actually done last month with the rough prints) One neighbor by the retention pond with the cattails would like us to hold off on spraying as they like them and they will talk to the other homeowners around the area. Debbie will get the NO DUMPING signs as there are people dumping on all the grassy areas in the neighborhood. Linda Faber suggested trail cams if it is still a problem in the future .Debbie made a motion at 7pm to go into closed session to discuss legal matters .Erin seconded and all others agreed.


Board members present: Erin Walker, Jeff Duffield, Debbie Turner, Jim Gall, Chris Benoit
Original meeting was Wed June 1 but there were only three board members so there was not a quorum. Robert Windmiller was present to present a plan for a garage addition but was told we did not have a quorum to vote so we would be having a meeting within a week.
Called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin with motion by Chris and seconded by Debbie
Minutes from last month read by Debbie motion to approve by Chris and seconded by Debbie all others agreed
Treasurers report read by Debbie motion to approve by Jeff and seconded by Jim all others agreed
Motion by Jeff to pay the real estate taxes of $49.14 for the year for the river lot, retention areas and park seconded by Chris and all others agreed
No motion was needed to pay Jeff $580 for May mowing as we already made motion to hire and pay him last month
Old business Trailer on Stone Ridge Dr is gone Debbie will send thank you to Janet for putting ad in Journal 3rd notice to late paying homeowners for dues one left to pay House is being sold so payment will probably come at closing in fees Call around vote for fence on Valley View was done and approved Letters from attorney reviewed
New Business Erin will take paper work from shell to the attorney to check over before we sign
Homeowner at 113 with vacant lot is trying to sell and wanted a letter stating he never had to build on the lot which was provided
Robert Windmiller here again for permission for a garage it will be attached with a breeze way he was told as long as it was under 750 sq feet and matched his house it was ok he has to follow county codes for how far back it must be from the property lines
Motion by Debbie to close at 7:30 pm seconded by Jim and all others agreed
5-5-11 EFT COM ED $36.01 $8232.17
5-6-11 AUTO OWNERS $517 $7715.17
5-11-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7790.17
5-19-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7865.17
6-2-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7940.17
6-6-11 JEFF DUFFIELD MOWING $580 $7360.17
6-6-11 TAXES $49.14 $7311.03
6-16-11 COM ED EFT $38.10 $7272.93
7-1-11 JEFF MOWING $435 $6837.93
7-6-11 EFT COM ED $36.90 $6801.03