Monday, July 30, 2012


River Bend Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting Wed May1, 2012

Limestone Township Library
Board Members present: Leroy Sarowatz, Debbie Turner, Steve Devine and Andrea Cinnamon
Leroy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm
Debbie read the secretaries report motion by Steve to approve and seconded by Andrea all others agreed
Debbie read the treasurers report motion by Steve to approve and seconded by Andrea all others agreed
A gazebo at the park was brought up again and it was felt that the park should pay for it not us and that they should also be mowing not us
Debbie will let the attorney know that the boat and trailer are both gone so no further action needs to be taken
Debbie will be sure Rod Middleton gets us a copy of his insurance before he starts the work
Debbie will send 2 letters to people who have trailers in their driveways
Steve will talk to the homeowner about overgrown yard and see if some of us could help her out as neighbors not as a board- no association money will be used if she agrees
Debbie will send letters to the 4 homeowners who have not paid their dues with an excerpt from the covenants stating that they must pay and there could be a lien placed for nonpayment (one house is in foreclosure already)
Motion by Steve to adjourn at 7pm seconded by Leroy and all others agreed

5-4-12 EFT Com Ed $36.84 $26425.99
5-11-12 Deposit $75.00 $26500.99
5-14-12 #1171 Auto Owners $539.00 $25961.99
6-1-12 Deposit $75.00 $26036.99
6-4-12 Deposit $75.00 26111.99
6-14-12 EFT Com Ed $38.46 26073.53
6-14-12 #1172 Taxes $49.78 26023.75
6-14-12 #1173 MEI $1700.00 24323.75
7-12-12 EFT Com Ed $32.57 24291.18

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