Monday, July 30, 2012


At 6:30 pm Erin asked for motion to start meeting Dave made motion and Steve seconded All others agreed
Board members present: Erin Walker, Debbie Turner, Dave Baron, Steve Devine 2 homeowners present
Secretaries report read by Debbie Motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve All others agreed
Treasurers report read by Debbie Motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve and all others agreed
Miscellaneous Dave made a motion to have Middleton Excavating do the work of removing the cattails at the retention pond Erin seconded and all others agreed Debbie will call him and check insurance Debbie made a motion to have Dave get the garage sale sign from Teamprint for $100 Erin seconded and all others agreed There were 12 kids at the Easter egg hunt Motion by Erin to pay Debbie $56 for eggs, candy stamps and lawn bags Dave seconded and all others agreed Motion by Erin to pay Andrea $19.03 for the prize baskets Seconded by Debbie and all others agreed Motion by Erin to buy 2 Barberry Cabernet for the 113 sign that died Seconded by Dave all others agreed Debbie will buy them to plant at clean up on April 21 8am Debbie will send email to remind all residents Meet at the 113 sign Motion by Debbie to accept the bid from Jim Horchem to continue mowing Seconded by Erin and all others agreed He was the lowest bid again this year (same price as last year) Debbie again asked him for a bill for last years mowing. Motioin by Dave to pay AnnBrezinski $592.50 for fees so far this year Seconded by Steve and all others agreed 80 people have paid dues so far about 15 left to pay Second notice went out
There was some discussion with the homeowners present about what to do with the Shell money Talk again about the river front and a possible pavilion at the park We will talk to Francis Ciaccio about the park One homeowner wrote on her dues notice about the rocks at the corner of Valley View and River Bend We will have Leroy talk to Kramer about options to make it look better Debbie will ask Christy to add dates to the website and fix the email address and ask people to be courteous and clean up after their dogs No closed session needed
Motion at 7:10 pm by Dave to adjourn seconded by Erin and all others agreed

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