Tuesday, January 3, 2012


5-5-11 EFT COM ED $36.01 $8232.17
5-6-11 AUTO OWNERS $517 $7715.17
5-11-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7790.17
5-19-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7865.17
6-2-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7940.17
6-6-11 JEFF DUFFIELD MOWING $580 $7360.17
6-6-11 TAXES $49.14 $7311.03
6-16-11 COM ED EFT $38.10 $7272.93
7-1-11 JEFF MOWING $435 $6837.93
7-6-11 EFT COM ED $36.90 $6801.03
7-26-11 JEFF (MOWING) $435 $6366.03
8-1-11 DEPOSIT (ONE LOT) $100 $6466.03
8-6-11 COM ED (EFT) $38.34 $6427.69
8-6-11 #1155 DEBBIE SIGNS $6.12 $6421.57
8-6-11 #1156 DATWEILER INS $1060 $5361.57
9-3-11 COM ED (EFT) $36.63 $5324.94
9-8-11 #1157 Debbie Turner bulb $31.86 $5293.08
9-30-11 Com Ed (EFT) $40.93 $5252.15
11-1-11 Come Ed (EFT) $42.40 $5209.75
12-4-11 Com Ed (EFT) $45.40 $5164.35
12-7-11 #1158 Erin Walker (flowers Jeff) $58.13 $5106.22
12-8-11 #1159 Sec of State $10.00 $5096.22
12-9-11 Deposit Leroy Sarowatz dues $75.00 $5171.22

RIVER BEND WEST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MONTHLY BOARD MEETING Wednesday October 5, 2011 6:30 pm Limestone Library Called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin Board members present: Erin Walker, Jeff Duffield, Debbie Turner, Jim Gall, Chris Benoit, Dave Baron, and Leroy Sarowatz. One homeowner present Secretaries report read by Debbie Motion to approve by Dave seconded by Jeff and all others agreed Treasurers report read by Debbie Motion to approve by Dave seconded by Jeff and all others agreed Miscellaneous: Leroy went to the township meeting and now they say that all the intersections will be torn up and replaced when the water is brought in. Leroy also did some research on what we could do at the river lot in the future with the Shell money. A brief summary is: need a state permit which should be easy to get could do work on the river bank to make it accessible no solid structure but pavilion would probably be ok picnic tables must be in cement no survey needed need drawing for permit who would pay for upkeep? Bids? Our ideas : fence no playground street lights Mail or email vote Letter to submit ideas Cable without lock to deter people not going in who shouldn’t floating dock New garage has only a roof and no walls so therefore it is not enclosed A letter will be sent to him to tell him he must follow the plans he submitted and according to the covenants It was brought up again that all attorney fees the association has because of a covenant issue should be reimbursed by that homeowner Motion by Dave at 7:15pm to adjourn the meeting seconded by Jeff and all others agreed

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