Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Board members present: Erin Walker, Jeff Duffield, Debbie Turner, Jim Gall, Chris Benoit
Original meeting was Wed June 1 but there were only three board members so there was not a quorum. Robert Windmiller was present to present a plan for a garage addition but was told we did not have a quorum to vote so we would be having a meeting within a week.
Called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin with motion by Chris and seconded by Debbie
Minutes from last month read by Debbie motion to approve by Chris and seconded by Debbie all others agreed
Treasurers report read by Debbie motion to approve by Jeff and seconded by Jim all others agreed
Motion by Jeff to pay the real estate taxes of $49.14 for the year for the river lot, retention areas and park seconded by Chris and all others agreed
No motion was needed to pay Jeff $580 for May mowing as we already made motion to hire and pay him last month
Old business Trailer on Stone Ridge Dr is gone Debbie will send thank you to Janet for putting ad in Journal 3rd notice to late paying homeowners for dues one left to pay House is being sold so payment will probably come at closing in fees Call around vote for fence on Valley View was done and approved Letters from attorney reviewed
New Business Erin will take paper work from shell to the attorney to check over before we sign
Homeowner at 113 with vacant lot is trying to sell and wanted a letter stating he never had to build on the lot which was provided
Robert Windmiller here again for permission for a garage it will be attached with a breeze way he was told as long as it was under 750 sq feet and matched his house it was ok he has to follow county codes for how far back it must be from the property lines
Motion by Debbie to close at 7:30 pm seconded by Jim and all others agreed
5-5-11 EFT COM ED $36.01 $8232.17
5-6-11 AUTO OWNERS $517 $7715.17
5-11-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7790.17
5-19-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7865.17
6-2-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7940.17
6-6-11 JEFF DUFFIELD MOWING $580 $7360.17
6-6-11 TAXES $49.14 $7311.03
6-16-11 COM ED EFT $38.10 $7272.93
7-1-11 JEFF MOWING $435 $6837.93
7-6-11 EFT COM ED $36.90 $6801.03

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