Tuesday, January 3, 2012


River Bend Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting Wed Sep 7, 2011
Limestone Township Library
Called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin Walker
Board members present: Erin Walker, Jeff Duffield, Debbie Turner, Jim Gall, Chris Benoit, Leroy Sarowatz and Dave Baron 3 homeowners present
Debbie read the secretaries report motion to approve by Dave seconded by Leroy and all others agreed
Debbie read the treasurers report Motion to approve by Dave seconded by Jeff and all others agreed
Leroy went to the township board meeting when they discussed road repairs after the water mains are done They stated the roads would not be torn up as they are going under the roads
One homeowner present suggested that we use the money form the Shell settlement to improve the river lot: benches, gazebo, river access, pavilion, fire pit, picnic tables, etc. It was decided that the board would come up with about 4 ideas and it would be voted on at the annual meeting as to how to spend the money Email and letters will go out to remind people of this and ask their input as it is their association
Debbie asked for a motion to pay her $31.86 for the lightbulb that was burned out on the sign at 113 Dave made the motion and Jeff seconded and all others agreed
Erin asked for a motion at 7pm to go into closed session Jeff made the motion and Debbie seconded and all others agreed

5-5-11 EFT COM ED $36.01 $8232.17
5-6-11 AUTO OWNERS $517 $7715.17
5-11-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7790.17
5-19-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7865.17
6-2-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7940.17
6-6-11 JEFF DUFFIELD MOWING $580 $7360.17
6-6-11 TAXES $49.14 $7311.03
6-16-11 COM ED EFT $38.10 $7272.93
7-1-11 JEFF MOWING $435 $6837.93
7-6-11 EFT COM ED $36.90 $6801.03
7-26-11 JEFF (MOWING) $435 $6366.03
8-1-11 DEPOSIT (ONE LOT) $100 $6466.03
8-6-11 COM ED (EFT) $38.34 $6427.69
8-6-11 #1155 DEBBIE SIGNS $6.12 $6421.57
8-6-11 #1156 DATWEILER INS $1060 $5361.57
9-3-11 COM ED (EFT) $36.36 $5325.21
9-8-11 #1157 Debbie Turner bulb $31.86 $5293.35
9-30-11 Com Ed (EFT) $40.93 $5252.42

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