Saturday, January 11, 2014


River Bend West Community Association Meeting Minutes
November 6, 2013
6:30 pm Limestone Township Library

Board members present:  Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon, Dave Baron, Bob West, and Steve Devine

Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Andrea

One homeowner was present.  He had his water brought to his house and was pleased with the work.  He was told that 12-20-13 is the last day they can hook up water.

Secretary's report was read by Debbie.  Steve moved we approve them with the correction of Dave's name and amount of check to Steve.  Dave seconded, all others agreed.

Treasurer's report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Bob, and all others agreed.

Old Business:  We are still waiting for Tholen's estimate.  We have Art's. Clean Cut graded after the dirt was brought in, and seeded the retention pod.  Steve moved, and Dave seconded, to pay $2350 for services done.  All others agreed.

Debbie will check with Reese O'Connor on the cost to sweep the streets on 11-24 and 12-20?

The covenants committee will be Shan Cinnamon, Lisa Meyer, Chad Gessner, Mike Lemenager, Chris Benoit and Debbie Turner.  Dave Baron will fill in if needed.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 with a motion from Steve, seconded by Andrea, an fall others agreed.

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