Saturday, January 11, 2014

Minutes 6-5-13


Board present:  Erin Walker Debbie Turner  Bob West  Steve Devine   One homeowner present

Called to order with motion by Steve and Bob seconded at 6:30
Secretaries report red by Debbie with motion to approve by Bob and seconded by Steve All others agreed
Treasurer’s report read by Debbie with motion to approve by Steve and seconded by Bob  All others agreed
Steve will talk to homeowner about septic or get in touch with health dept if needed as it has been one year since they were told septic needs to be replaced  (Steve talked to him Thur and work started on Fri)  Debbie will let Rod Middleton know so he can finish the retention pond work
Motion by Steve and seconded by Erin to pay tax bill and attorney bill  All others agreed
Deb will buy a Pygmy Barberry to replace the dead one by the 113 sign
There have been quite a few small trailers in the subdivision  we sent an email to remind people that they cannot have these   will follow up in a few weeks
On 5-22-13 the board was approached with plans for a fence on River Bend Dr and Pipeline  These were within the covenant guidelines and were approved with a call around vote by Chris, Debbie, Erin, Bob, Dave and Andrea
Debbie will get in touch with the attorney with the guidelines for changing the covenants (email vote, quorum and majority present, trucks )  She will also call the Army Corp of Engineers to see what can be done at the river lot
One homeowner still has not paid dues and they will be sent another bill
There are going to be about 12 garage sales tomorrow and Fri
Homeowner approached Debbie and asked that we talk about dogs not on leashes at the next meeting (there is one person who does this and they do not live in River Bend but walk here)  I told them there is nothing in the covenants about that- they thought it was a law- I said we would look into it

Motion at 6:50 pm to go into closed session by Debbie and seconded by Steve and all others agreed      Letter about oversized truck went out  The tractor trailer is gone but the 1 ton is still there  Erin will talk to them and we will follow up next month

Meeting adjourned at 7pm with motion by Deb and seconded by Steve and all others agreed

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