Saturday, January 11, 2014



Board present:  Erin Walker  Andrea Cinnamon  Debbie Turner  Steve Devine  Bob West  Chris Benoit
One homeowner present

Called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin with motion by Chris and seconded by Debbie and all others agreed
Secretaries report read by Debbie with motion to approve by Steve and seconded by Chris and all others agreed
Treasurers report read by Debbie with motion to approve by Steve and seconded by Chris and all others agreed
Motion by Erin and seconded by Debbie to pay Andrea $47.69 for ad in Journal for garage sale  all others agreed
Homeowner present wanted us to know that a friend in Wedgewood is not happy with how Shell did the repairs to street and driveways  Debbie will follow up with Dianna and also ask her about Pipeline road if the ditches are done
Debbie will follow up with Rod Middleton on the work at the retention pond   Debbie will also get back with the attorney on the covenant change issues as she did not return her last call   She will also follow up with the Army Corp of Engineers as they also did not answer her email
A homeowner approached Debbie about a semi in ground pool and was told we would have to see plans and probably talk to attorney as the covenants do state in ground only
Debbie will draft a letter to go out in August to homeowners about the use of the Shell money  this will have to go to the attorney first and a ballot will go with it   We would like to have it due back by Sep 15 to give us time to get quotes before the taxes are done   Work would be done hopefully next spring

Motion by Steve at 7pm to adjourn  seconded by Debbie and all others agreed

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