Saturday, January 11, 2014

Treasurer Report December 2013

1-4-13    #1178 post office                         $79           $20273.72

1-14-13   EFT Com Ed                              $45.35      $20228.37

1-16-13   Deposit                                        $530        $20758.37

1-25-13   Deposit                                        $87          $20845.37

2-8-13    #1179 Debbie ink                         $13.80      $20831.57

2-14-13   EFT Com Ed                               $44.08      $20787.49

2-14-13   #1180  Ann Brezinski                 $175.00    $20612.49

2-20-13   #1181   Debbie                            $50.30      $20562.19

3-15-13   EFT Com Ed                               $40.33      $20521.86

3-15-13   #1182 Taxes                                $35           $20486.86

3-15-13   #1183 stamps envelopes             $101.40    $20385.46

3-22-13   Deposit                                        $4500      $24885.46

4-2-13     Deposit                                        $2400      $27285.46

                VOID #1184

4-8-13     #1185 Debbie   ink                      $51.99     $27233.47

4-13-13  EFT  Com Ed                               $30.84     $27202.63

4-13-13   Deposit                                        $600        $27802.63

4-19-13   Deposit                                        $375        $28177.63

4-22-13  #1186 Adcraft                              $183.87   $27993.76

4-26-13   Deposit                                        $150        $28143.76

4-26-13  #1187   Tholens                            $140.21   $28003.55

4-29-13   refund tholens                               $140.21  $28143.76

4-29-13  Deposit                                           $75         $28218.76

5-2-13  #1188  deb stamps                       $9.20       $28209.56

5-2-13   #1189   Jim Horchem  mowing   $4985     $23224.56

5-2-13   #1190   Auto Owners                   $571       $22653.56

5-3-13   Deposit                                          $75        $22728.56

5-6-13    EFT COM ED                             $31.25   $22697.31

5-30-13  DEPOSIT                                     $75        $22772.31

6-6-13  #1191 Ann Brezinski                     $367.50  $22404.81

6-6-13  #1192    Taxes                                $50.30    $22354.51

6-6-13   EFT Com Ed                                  $30.34   $22324.17

6-15-13  #1193 Deb  bush                           $27.61   $22296.56

7-6-13  #1194 Andrea Journal                      $47.06   $22249.50

7-6-13 EFT Com Ed                                    $29.99    $22219.51

7-15-13  #1195 stamps                                 $55.20   $22164.31

7-19-13   DEPOSIT                                      $75.00    $22239.31

8-15-13  EFT Com Ed                                  $28.56    $22210.75

8-15-13 Deb bulb #1196                               $92.19   $22118.56 

9-13-13  EFT Com Ed                                  $30.93   $22087.63

9-11-13  1197 Deb bulb                                $40        $22047.63

10-3-13  deposit                                             $24       $22071.63

10-3-13   #1198  Steve Devine                      $269.09$21802.54

10-3-13   #1199  Datweiler                            $1010   $20792.54

10-15-13  EFT Com Ed                                 $32.21   $20760.33

11-11-13  Clean Cut                                      $2350    $18410.33

11-14-13   Com Ed                                         $35.89  $18374.44

12-8-13   Sec of State                                      $10       $18364.44

12-13-13 EFT Com Ed                                   $35.36              $18329.08                 

1-13-14  EFT Com Ed                                    $39.76  $18289.32                 

1-15-14   Stamps                                             $138   $18151.32                                                                  

Minutes 6-5-13


Board present:  Erin Walker Debbie Turner  Bob West  Steve Devine   One homeowner present

Called to order with motion by Steve and Bob seconded at 6:30
Secretaries report red by Debbie with motion to approve by Bob and seconded by Steve All others agreed
Treasurer’s report read by Debbie with motion to approve by Steve and seconded by Bob  All others agreed
Steve will talk to homeowner about septic or get in touch with health dept if needed as it has been one year since they were told septic needs to be replaced  (Steve talked to him Thur and work started on Fri)  Debbie will let Rod Middleton know so he can finish the retention pond work
Motion by Steve and seconded by Erin to pay tax bill and attorney bill  All others agreed
Deb will buy a Pygmy Barberry to replace the dead one by the 113 sign
There have been quite a few small trailers in the subdivision  we sent an email to remind people that they cannot have these   will follow up in a few weeks
On 5-22-13 the board was approached with plans for a fence on River Bend Dr and Pipeline  These were within the covenant guidelines and were approved with a call around vote by Chris, Debbie, Erin, Bob, Dave and Andrea
Debbie will get in touch with the attorney with the guidelines for changing the covenants (email vote, quorum and majority present, trucks )  She will also call the Army Corp of Engineers to see what can be done at the river lot
One homeowner still has not paid dues and they will be sent another bill
There are going to be about 12 garage sales tomorrow and Fri
Homeowner approached Debbie and asked that we talk about dogs not on leashes at the next meeting (there is one person who does this and they do not live in River Bend but walk here)  I told them there is nothing in the covenants about that- they thought it was a law- I said we would look into it

Motion at 6:50 pm to go into closed session by Debbie and seconded by Steve and all others agreed      Letter about oversized truck went out  The tractor trailer is gone but the 1 ton is still there  Erin will talk to them and we will follow up next month

Meeting adjourned at 7pm with motion by Deb and seconded by Steve and all others agreed

Minutes 8-7-13


Board present:  Debbie Turner  Andrea Cinnamon  Bob West  Steve Devine
2 homeowners present
Meeting was called to order at 6:40pm with a motion by Debbie and seconded by Steve and all others agreed.  Erin Walker resigned from the board prior to the start of the meeting.  Bob West made a motion for Leroy Sarowatz to fill the vacancy until the next election.  Steve Devine seconded and all others agreed.
Debbie read the secretaries report.  Bob made a motion to accept and Andrea seconded and all other agreed.
Debbie read the treasurers report.  Bob made a motion to accept and Andrea seconded.  All others agreed.
Old Business:  Debbie will check with Diana again about the standing water on Pipeline
Road.  She had previously told us it would be fixed but has not been done yet.  We are still waiting for clarification from the attorney on updating the covenants.  Ann Brezinski the attorney had been out of town and states she will get back to us by 8-23 at the latest.  The Army Corp of Engineers told Debbie that no permit is needed to build a ramped area to the river as long as nothing is put into the water.   She talked with Jackie and Wayne at the Rock Island district on July 18. (309-794-5057) Debbie will again get in touch with Rod about the retention pond. The septic is done but there is no gravel at the discharge point so Steve will ask the health department if that is correct as we were told there would be gravel which would make the area much dryer.  Steve did go down and states it is fairly dry and could be mowed.  He was able to cut down most of the tall weeds and cattails.  Debbie will ask Rod and Jim Horchem to call Steve when they go down to work.  Steve asked if we could use the vacant lot on Valley View to enter the retention pond.  Debbie will get in touch with the owner after she talks with Rod to see if that would help him.  
New Business:  Since the last meeting the letter went out with the ballot to vote on the use of the Shell money.  The letter was approved by the attorney and then Bob, Erin, Debbie, Andrea, Dave and Steve approved it. We have 30 votes back so far – 110 were sent out.  That is a quorum.  They are due back by August 15. Debbie asked to be reimbursed $92.19 for light bulbs, paper, envelopes, bush and labels.  Steve made a motion and Leroy seconded.  All others agreed.  The house on the corner of River Bend and Valley View has sold(it was in foreclosure).  The other house thought to be in foreclosure is not.  The River Bend Block party is August 10 at 4pm on Valley View in the second phase.  Debbie will send out a letter to a homeowner with a trailer in the driveway.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm with a motion by Bob and seconded by Debbie and all others agreed.

Minutes 9-10-13

Tuesday September 10, 2013 6:30 PM LIMESTONE LIBRARY
Board members present:  Debbie Turner, Leroy Sarowatz, Dave Baron, Chris Benoit, Bob West, Steve Devine  There is a quorum present
2 homeowners present
Andrea Cinnamon Vice President was no present so Leroy ran the meeting
Called to order at 6:30 PM with a motion by Debbie and seconded by Steve and all others agreed
Secretaries report read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Bob and all others agreed
Treasurers report read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Chris and all others agreed
Old Business:  Diana said no finishing work has been done so Pipeline Road ditch will drain properly   The attorney did follow up with an email explaining what is needed to amend the covenants   Steve has done a lot of work at the retention pond and it is fairly dry    The health dept said the septic system that is up against our property does not need a gravel pit  Steve will get in touch with Rod about finishing the project   Mr Bossert was at the meeting and will talk to the township about helping with the work   Tholens replaced the dead bush free of charge for the 113 sign
New Business:  Dave made a motion and Bob seconded to pay Debbie $40 for another bulb for the 113 sign  This is the third of four to go out recently   Another homeowner emails Debbie when he notices they are burned out   We will check if there is a cheaper bulb that can be used Steve will get a receipt for the tubing he bought to try to dry up the water at the retention pond   We will not have a wienie roast this year as attendance is so low  Dave will talk to Diana about brooming the streets  Debbie will get estimates from Arts, Tholens and the contractor John Jones uses for the use of the Shell money   Most of the other ideas submitted were not feasible
No room at park for basketball hoop or walking trail or dog park   too expensive for street lights at corners    No real need for security cameras (who would maintain?)   memory plaque should be at request of family as we do not want to set a precedence
Debbie will check the proportion of people who do not have email vs email recipients on voting and other responses

Dave made a motion at 7:15PM to adjourn and bob seconded and all others agreed