Thursday, June 4, 2020

Minutes February 5, 2020

MINUTES for meeting 2-5-2020        ANNUAL MEETING   Call to Order: 6:34 pm Limestone Library

Tim Hauert, President; Jeff Souligne; Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President;
Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer; Heather Gill; Christy Strole, Secretary
Homeowners:  Colleen Wepprecht, Jim Gall

Christy moved we approve treasurer’s report of 1-8-20.  Tim seconded, motion carried.
Christy moved we approve minutes of 1-8-20.  Jeff seconded, motion carried.

Public Comments: None.  Colleen is here to volunteer to fill Lisa’s seat on the board.

Party ideas?                Easter Egg Hunt date:  Saturday April 4th, 10:00.  Rain date April 11
          Garage Sale Date: June 11th and 12th, Thursday and Friday

Mowing bids: Jim moved we add spring and fall upkeep of the entrances to the mowing bid.  Tim seconded, motion carried.  We’ll ask for bids from Clean Cut and Dufrain.  No one else has expressed an interest.

Election of board members:  We have twelve proxy votes via email, and collected 8 votes here tonight. That means we need 8 more to make the board election official.  Paper ballots were distributed to board members to get more votes.  Email Christy when you have the ballots and she’ll canvas if needed.  Heather announced that she’s moving within the next few months.  We need to ask for volunteers to fill her position when she goes.


Election of officers:  Jim moved that we defer the decision on officers until the board has enough votes to fill the four open spots.  Tim seconded, motion carried.

Andrea moved, Heather seconded that we appoint Colleen Wepprecht as interim board member to fill Lisa Meyer’s spot until the election.  Motion carried.  Welcome, Colleen! Jim moved, Heather seconded that we move out of closed session.  Motion carried.

Old Business:

Lot 66: septic overflow (since 2012) Allan from the County Health department let Tim know that the owner of lot 66 has removed a section of tile from his leach field and that the subsequent dye test was negative.  The county considers this issue closed.  Tim will visually inspect the culvert within the next few days.  If the pipe is gone from our culvert, Christy will tell Ann not to send the letter.  If the pipe is not gone, Christy will tell Ann to send the letter.

Lot 65: drainage update (since 2007) Tim talked to homeowner Gary Honzik, who is aware of the situation.  He suggested (1) raising the level of the culvert to allow our detention pond to hold more water and thereby drain more slowly to decrease the damage to Schneider’s crop, (2)  digging the pond deeper, or (3) planting trees that use a lot of water, like cypress. Jim wonders if it’s legal to plant trees in a detention pond. The detention pond was built before the homeowner’s association was formed, so using RBWCA funds to fix the problem we didn’t cause may look like we’re admitting responsibility.  Our lawyers have repeatedly said we have no liability in this matter; the developer made the plan and the county approved it.  Last month we emailed the owner of Lot 65 saying we were working on the problem and would keep him updated.  He responded by suggesting he may have to file a civil suit against us because water from our property is draining onto his. All correspondence with him will now go through the lawyer.

New Business:

Our new LED lights have failed.  Tim will contact Scott Styck to replace the bulbs.  Our electric bill did go down by about $10 when we changed to these bulbs.

At 7:30 Tim moved we adjourn.  Christy seconded, motion carried.

Approved:  3-4-20 President: ___________________

      Secretary:  __________________

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