Thursday, June 4, 2020

Minutes 5-6-20

MINUTES for meeting  5-6-2020        Call to Order via Zoom: 6:32

Present: Tim Hauert, President, Jeff Souligne, Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Colleen Wepprecht
Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer, Benay McCue, and Christy Strole, Secretary; Jim Gall, Homeowner

Minutes of 3-4-20: One correction was made to clarify that while the homeowners elected the board members, the board members elected the officers. Tim moved minutes be approved as corrected.  Christy seconded; motion carried.

Minutes of 4-1-20:  No corrections.  Jeff moved we approve the minutes.  Jim seconded:  motion carried.

Treasurer’s report:  Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report.  Jeff seconded: motion carried.

Public Comments:  Jim Gall was present but had no comments.

Closed session at 6:43

Old Business:

Lot 66: septic overflow (since 2012)  The owner has not pulled up the pipe.  Tim left a message yesterday and got no response.  Tim will contact the owner.  If the pipe is not pulled up by next month, we’ll decide what to do next.

Lightbulbs at Entrances:  Now they’re working but they are on day and night.  Tim will check to see if there’s still tape over the sensors.  If that’s not the problem, he’ll contact Scott Styck.  The two secondary entrances have solar lights that don’t work very well.  Scott was looking into better lights for those entrances.

Bank/website:  Because of the Covid-19 shutdown, we still can’t go to the bank.

Overdue dues:  Six people have not yet paid.  The bylaws say we can charge 1%, but Article 12 gives the board the power to amend fees.  We didn’t send people the penalty with the dues notice: let’s do that next year.  For this year, Christy will explain the penalty in a letter, and say that because of the Covid-19 shutdown, we’ll waive the penalty if dues are paid by June 1st.  The penalty is $25 late fee plus a dollar a day up to $250 max.

Taxes and Corporation fee paid: Corporation fee was paid.  Jim hasn’t heard back from the tax accountants, who are working sporadically due to the shutdown.  Tim moved we approved the 2020 budget, attached.  Christy seconded, motion carried.

Heather Gill sold her house, so she can’t serve on the board.  We thank her for her work.  Benay McCue volunteered to serve out Heather’s term.  Christy moved we appoint Benay, Jim seconded: motion carried.  Christy will bring covenants to the new owners of Heather’s house and Benay will be on the ballot for the next election.

New Business:

A homeowner asked us to email homeowners reminding them to take care of their dog droppings.  Christy will do so

Approval of Larry Hinton’s house: We approved his plans via email, so today we did it officially.  Christy moved we approve Larry Hinton’s house plans.  Jim seconded, motion carried.

Should we cancel the garage sale? Are we liable if someone gets the virus because of our sales?  Certainly no one is required to have a sale.  We are currently under stay-at-home orders through May 31st.  We meet again June 3rd, which is in time to decide whether to run the ads in the papers.  Christy’s email about dog poop will also mention that as of now, the garage sale is still on for June 11th and 12th from 8:00 to 4:00, but we will decide officially June 3.  If the governor’s stay at home order is extended, we would be violating it by sponsoring an event.

Ann Brezinsky said she’d ask the Ag Extension Office if there’s a remedy for the dammed detention pond.  Christy will email her to ask if she found anything out, and ask about our liability for sponsoring a garage sale day.
Two lots have trailers parked on them.  Christy’s email about dog poop and garage sale will include a reference to the rules about trailers.

Christy moved we adjourn at 7:12.  Benay seconded: motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Christy Strole, Secretary

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