Thursday, June 4, 2020

Minutes 4-1-20

Minutes for meeting  4-1-2020        Call to Order via Zoom due to Covid-19 shutdown: 6:33 pm

Present: Tim Hauert, Jeff Souligne, Andrea Cinnamon, Colleen Wepprecht, Jim Muhlstadt, Christy Strole

Minutes of 3-4-20 approval:  Only Colleen got a copy of the right minutes via email before this meeting.  Tim moved that we table the approval of minutes until next month.  Andrea seconded, motion carried.

Treasurer’s report approval:  Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report.  Andrea seconded, motion carried.

Having received no emails regarding public comments, this entire meeting is closed session.

Old Business: 

Lot 66: septic overflow (since 2012) The homeowner indicated he will dig the drainage tile out of our detention pond, smooth out the ground and reseed the grass this spring.  It has not yet been done so we’ll check on this one next month.

Lightbulbs at Entrances:  Scott Styck is taking care of this.  The bulbs were under warranty, there was water in the conduit. 

Easter Egg Hunt: Canceled for Covid-19

Mowing Bids: Dufrain and Clean Cut: Dufrain was lower, not by much.  Tim moved we award the job to Dufrain.  Jim seconded, motion carried.  Christy will notify the bidders by email.

Lot 65:  Schneider dammed our detention pond so water collects in Lot 65’s yard.  The owner of Lot 65 respectfully declines to pay dues, and says if we don’t resolve the issue in 60 days he will enlist legal counsel.  Ann Brezinski, attorney, says we’re not liable for what Schneider has done.  This is what all attorneys have told us about this situation.  She’ll check with the agricultural extension office to see if there’s a remedy.

New Business:

Banking/website options:  Colleen talked to someone at the bank, and Jim can now access our account online.  We are eligible for an upgrade to an interest-bearing Super Now account.  Tim moved that we upgrade our bank account and start a PayPal account so that dues can be paid electronically.  Jim seconded, motion carried.  We’ll wait until businesses are open again, then Jim and Christy will go to the bank.
Taxes:  The association has to file income taxes.  Jim would like to consult an accountant.  Christy moved, Andrea seconded that Jim pay an accountant to help with our taxes.  Motion carried.
Insurance:  Jim looked this up.  We have liability insurance on our property of $2 million per claim.  Datweiler in Herscher is the agent, and Auto Owners is the insurance company.  This costs us $771/year.  We also have liability insurance to protect the board members.  Ann suggested we have error and Omission insurance, and we think that’s what this is.  That costs us $1297/year for $1 million for each claim.
Overdue dues: In Feb 2010 board decided:  $25 late fee after 30 days, then $1/day up to $250. But our 2014 bylaws state that we will charge 1% per month.  That won’t deter anyone, but to change our bylaws is a big deal.  So we’ll make a note that this is something we could consider changing the next time we update the bylaws.  Meanwhile, Christy will send letters to the 19 people whose dues are overdue, stating something like, “Your dues are late as of March 15th, your account is now delinquent, please pay $75 for each lot you own to Jim Muhlstadt….”  If we have to send more letters, we’ll use words like lien, court costs, etc.

Respectfully submitted,

Christy Strole, Secretary

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