Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Minutes 9-4-19

MINUTES 9-4-19 Call to Order: 6:35 pm Limestone Library Conference Room Present: Tim Hauert, President; Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President; Christy Strole, Secretary; Lisa Meyer; Jeff Souligne Public Comments: Cara and Daryl Hunt, lot 95, want to close on the sale of their house on 9-11-19 but they still have a debris pile in the yard. Our lawyer has written them stating that they are violating the covenants. According to Daryl who appeared tonight, the branches are too thick to put in paper bags, and they can’t burn because of neighbors who object. The lawyer for their buyer has asked for the last 12 months of minutes, as well as bylaws, covenants, budget, etc. of the association. If we email the lawyer now, the fact that their lot has active covenant violations may interfere with the closing. So Daryl will borrow a trailer and haul the pile elsewhere to burn. Then he’ll send pictures to Lisa Meyer, who will share with Christy Strole, who lives nearby and can walk over and verify that the problem is solved. Then Christy will email the required documents to the lawyer and indicate that the issue has been resolved. Minutes approval: Curtis Anderson is actually Kirk: correction made. Christy will send him a welcome letter. Lisa moved and Tim seconded: minutes were approved as amended. Treasurer’s report: Jim emailed the report for our approval. Christy moved, Lisa seconded: treasurer’s report was approved. Old Business: Dufrain finished cleaning up around the sign, including removing the debris pile. A new pile has begun. Christy will email the owners of Lot 21, asking them to remove the debris pile. Violations: Lot 95: (debris in yard) see Public Comments above. This issue is not resolved. Lot 1: The trailer was gone for awhile but now it’s back. Christy will send a second email, saying that if it’s not gone by the next meeting the issue will be turned over to the lawyer. Lot 84: The kids hired someone to weed and the place looks better. Issue is resolved. Lot 65: There are two issues here. Tim walked the field and confirmed that the farmer who owns the land to the west of the subdivision, Schneider, has built up a berm along the fencerow, which prevents water from flowing onto his property. So it backs up into our detention pond and lot 65. We have flow data that shows this is the case. Tim talked with Al of the Kankakee Health Department. They ran a dye test on Lot 66’s system and it failed. The health department will issue a citation. Lot 66’s black water is flowing onto our detention pond and Lot 65. Tim will talk to the health department again to see whether the citation was issued, and he’ll update the owner of Lot 65 on our progress. Andrea moved, Lisa seconded the motion that we authorize the expense of Tim Hauert meeting with Ann Brezinski to see what we can do, given our limited funding, to solve this issue. New traffic signs have been installed! Thank you to Glen Kramer, township road commissioner. New Business: Little trees are growing up on the river lot, despite DuFrain mowing. Andrea will check the minutes to see who cleaned that up for us last year. Next year when we bid the mowing, we’ll add maintenance of the landscaping around the signs and keeping the volunteer trees and bushes down by the river. The light is on all day at the entrance at 113 and the cover seems to have come off one of the lights. It’s supposed to go off when the sun comes up and go on when the sun comes down. Tim will contact Scott Styck to see about this. Christy moved, Lisa seconded we adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm

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