Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Minutes 11-6-19

MINUTES for meeting 11-6-19 Call to Order: 6:43 Present: Tim Hauert, President; Jeff Souligne, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer; Christy Strole, Secretary Jim Gall, homeowner Minutes approval: Christy moved, Jeff seconded that we approve the minutes. Motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved, Tim seconded that we approve the treasurer’s report. Motion carried. Public Comments: none Old Business: Violations: Lot 66: Scanlon’s septic overflow (since 2012): no change. We haven’t heard from the county. Lot 65: Warner/Schneider update (since 2007): No change. We haven’t heard from Ann B. Christy will email her. Lot 94: Trash cans: (It was Alex Blanchette) New Business: No new violations. Scott Styck installed an LED fixture on the Southwest corner of the sign off 113. This will save us money on electricity. Jim moved, Jeff seconded that we pay $216 for four lamps, plus installation for a total of $300. Motion carried. Christy reviewed what she learned by reading the minutes from all our meetings since 2006. We should meet in closed session when discussing homeowner’s violations to protect their privacy. We should have a sign in sheet. The president should sign the minutes and treasurer’s report to prove they’re approved. We had decided in February 2010 that after 30 days, a $25 late fee would be added to overdue dues, then $1/day up to $250. Scanlon’s pipe in our detention pond culvert goes back to May of 2012. We had decided in 2015 that for violations the first letter would come from the lawyer because letters from us are ignored. Jim moved, Jeff seconded that we first send an email from RBWCA board, with no one’s name on it, then have the lawyer write if the violation is not resolved. Motion carried. For several years the December meeting was skipped because of the busy season. We’ll wait until Nov. 30 to decide whether to meet in December. If we have pressing business, we’ll meet. Jeff moved we adjourn at 7:15, Christy seconded and the motion carried.

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