Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Minutes 1-8-20

Minutes for meeting 1-8-2020 Call to Order at Limestone Library at 6:32 No meeting was held in December 2019. Present: Tim Hauert, President, Jeff Souligne, Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer Heather Gill and Christy Strole, Secretary. Homeowner Mark Tanner joined us Minutes of 11-6-19 approval: Christy moved, Jim seconded, motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved, Jeff seconded, motion carried to approve November and December 2019 treasurer’s reports. Public Comments: Mark Tanner was here but just as an interested group member. We discussed radon. Closed Session: Christy moved, Tim seconded, motion carried that we move into closed session. Old Business: Lot 66’s septic overflow (since 2012): Christy moved that we ask Ann to write a letter to the homeowners telling them to remove their drain tile from under our detention pond and out of the culvert, and to rake and reseed the grass by May 1st because of the safety concerns of black water pooling. Tim seconded, motion carried. Christy will email Ann. Lot 65 drainage issue (since 2007) Christy will email the lot owner to say “We don’t have the funds to sue Schneider. We met, we talked, we’re taking action that we can’t talk about yet because lawyers are involved, but we’ll let you know when there’s some movement.” Tim will talk to his neighbor Honzik who may know something about drainage. Lot 94: Trash cans have been moved; problem solved. New Business: Lisa Meyer resigned due to health issues. We sent her a get-well card. None of us has a good suggestion to replace her. The next email to the group will ask for volunteers to join the board, invite people to the upcoming annual meeting in February, during which we will hold our annual election, and give people the option to vote by proxy. Andrea, Jim and Heather are up for re-election and Lisa would have been up for re-election had she not resigned. At the annual meeting we will distribute paper ballots. We will also discuss the Easter egg hunt, dates for the garage sale, and party ideas. After February’s meeting we will email everyone their annual dues notice. Tim distributed a list of the meeting dates for this year. Leon Heldt sold lot 34 to Larry Hinton. Adjourn: Christy moved, Andrea Seconded, motion to adjourn carried at 7:38 pm

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