Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Treasurer's Report 1-20

Treasurer's Report 12-19

Treasurer's Report 11-19

Treasurer's Report 10-19

Treasurer's Report 7-19

Treasurer's Report 4-19

Treasurer's Report 2-19

Minutes 12-4-19

No meeting was held in December of 2019

Minutes 11-6-19

MINUTES for meeting 11-6-19 Call to Order: 6:43 Present: Tim Hauert, President; Jeff Souligne, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer; Christy Strole, Secretary Jim Gall, homeowner Minutes approval: Christy moved, Jeff seconded that we approve the minutes. Motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved, Tim seconded that we approve the treasurer’s report. Motion carried. Public Comments: none Old Business: Violations: Lot 66: Scanlon’s septic overflow (since 2012): no change. We haven’t heard from the county. Lot 65: Warner/Schneider update (since 2007): No change. We haven’t heard from Ann B. Christy will email her. Lot 94: Trash cans: (It was Alex Blanchette) New Business: No new violations. Scott Styck installed an LED fixture on the Southwest corner of the sign off 113. This will save us money on electricity. Jim moved, Jeff seconded that we pay $216 for four lamps, plus installation for a total of $300. Motion carried. Christy reviewed what she learned by reading the minutes from all our meetings since 2006. We should meet in closed session when discussing homeowner’s violations to protect their privacy. We should have a sign in sheet. The president should sign the minutes and treasurer’s report to prove they’re approved. We had decided in February 2010 that after 30 days, a $25 late fee would be added to overdue dues, then $1/day up to $250. Scanlon’s pipe in our detention pond culvert goes back to May of 2012. We had decided in 2015 that for violations the first letter would come from the lawyer because letters from us are ignored. Jim moved, Jeff seconded that we first send an email from RBWCA board, with no one’s name on it, then have the lawyer write if the violation is not resolved. Motion carried. For several years the December meeting was skipped because of the busy season. We’ll wait until Nov. 30 to decide whether to meet in December. If we have pressing business, we’ll meet. Jeff moved we adjourn at 7:15, Christy seconded and the motion carried.

Minutes 1-8-20

Minutes for meeting 1-8-2020 Call to Order at Limestone Library at 6:32 No meeting was held in December 2019. Present: Tim Hauert, President, Jeff Souligne, Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer Heather Gill and Christy Strole, Secretary. Homeowner Mark Tanner joined us Minutes of 11-6-19 approval: Christy moved, Jim seconded, motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved, Jeff seconded, motion carried to approve November and December 2019 treasurer’s reports. Public Comments: Mark Tanner was here but just as an interested group member. We discussed radon. Closed Session: Christy moved, Tim seconded, motion carried that we move into closed session. Old Business: Lot 66’s septic overflow (since 2012): Christy moved that we ask Ann to write a letter to the homeowners telling them to remove their drain tile from under our detention pond and out of the culvert, and to rake and reseed the grass by May 1st because of the safety concerns of black water pooling. Tim seconded, motion carried. Christy will email Ann. Lot 65 drainage issue (since 2007) Christy will email the lot owner to say “We don’t have the funds to sue Schneider. We met, we talked, we’re taking action that we can’t talk about yet because lawyers are involved, but we’ll let you know when there’s some movement.” Tim will talk to his neighbor Honzik who may know something about drainage. Lot 94: Trash cans have been moved; problem solved. New Business: Lisa Meyer resigned due to health issues. We sent her a get-well card. None of us has a good suggestion to replace her. The next email to the group will ask for volunteers to join the board, invite people to the upcoming annual meeting in February, during which we will hold our annual election, and give people the option to vote by proxy. Andrea, Jim and Heather are up for re-election and Lisa would have been up for re-election had she not resigned. At the annual meeting we will distribute paper ballots. We will also discuss the Easter egg hunt, dates for the garage sale, and party ideas. After February’s meeting we will email everyone their annual dues notice. Tim distributed a list of the meeting dates for this year. Leon Heldt sold lot 34 to Larry Hinton. Adjourn: Christy moved, Andrea Seconded, motion to adjourn carried at 7:38 pm

Minutes 10-2-19

MINUTES for meeting 10-2-19 Call to Order: 6:30 at Limestone Library Present: Tim Hauert, President, Christy Strole, Secretary Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer Heather Gill Public Comments: Steve Devine came to share information about radon gas. Bukowski’s was 31, and his wife has lung cancer. Steve’s house was only 3.8 but he feels people should know about this. You have to have your house tested for radon now before you sell, and if there’s no mitigation you figure that into the price. We decided to send an informational email to the homeowners, telling them how to test for it and what to do if their radon is above 4 pCi/L. Minutes were reviewed. Christy moved we approve, Jim seconded: motion carried. Treasurer’s report was reviewed. Christy moved, Heather seconded: motion carried. Old Business: Violations: Lot 95: (debris in yard) follow up: problem solved, they’ve moved out. Our first letter was sent to them in 2012. Scott Homerding bought their house and Christy sent him a welcome letter. Lot 1: Their trailer is gone: problem solved. Christy will send a thank-you email. Lot 21: Their brush pile is gone: problem solved. Christy will send a thank-you email. Lot 65: Christy, Andrea and Tim walked the property and took pictures, confirming that Dennis Schneider has created a canal and two dams, so that water from our detention pond flows to lot 65’s back yard and collects there. Tim and Christy went to talk to Ann about what our responsibility is in this matter. She’s going to find out who at the county we should talk to. Heather said she went through this at her last subdivision and the county would not defy a farmer. We’re waiting to hear back from Ann. We told Warner that we don’t have enough money to sue Schneider, but that we have the same complaint he has, since Schneider changed the flow of water from our property. Christy found documentation of the complaint Schneider brought us in 2003 claiming that the subdivision changed the flow of water. Tim has the maps that show that the height of the land was not changed by the subdivision. Lot 66: Tim obtained information from the Health Department. Their dye test showed that this lot is in violation. The overflow from their septic is feeding blackwater into the culvert in our detention pond. There is a black corrugated drain tile running from the back of Lot 66, under our detention pond, and into the culvert at the bottom of our pond. The health department gave him 30 days to solve the problem before they do another dye test. His 30 days are up 10-5-19 and there’s no evidence that any work has been done. Tim will now receive all correspondence between the Health Department and the owner of lot 66. If he fixes his system but does not dig out that corrugated tile from under our detention pond, we will have Ann write him a letter to make sure it gets done before he sells the property. If we see a “For Sale” sign on that property we’ll respond quickly. For now, we’ll wait and see what the health department does after it’s follow up dye test. Light is off on the sign off 113: Tim found electrical tape over the sensor. Scott must have taped it off to change the bulbs. Maybe we should get new light fixtures that use LED or solar power? Scott says two of the three are working, but he has to check on a lens and get back to us about the third. Tim will call Scott and talk about switching to solar or LED. Jim will call O’Connor. Our two other signs have solar lights which have quit working. New Business: Lot 48 wants to build a shed: we looked at the plans and rejected them because it’s not a permanent stick-built structure on a slab, it’s a pre-fab unit that comes off a truck. That would not be architecturally similar to the house, violating covenants 5 and 21. Christy will email the owner and Andrea will return his plans. Lot 59: New concrete slab on does not seem to be a shed. Christy will email the owner and ask what their intentions are for that slab. Lot 62: The owner asked about the unmown spot in the detention lot on the east side of the cul-de-sac. Christy will email DuFrain and ask when that will be mown. Lot 94: Trash cans have been in the front of the house. Christy will email to remind him that trash cans have to be hidden behind the house or in the garage. Lot 36: The owner has been taking care of the rip rap in the ditches for ten to twelve years and it’s a lot of work. He saw Kramer (Twp. Road Commissioner) out there looking at the rocks. Azzarelli originally put those rocks in. Then the township put more in 10-12 years ago because the rock was crumbling. It’s crumbling again. Andrea will tell the owner that Kramer has an idea for a new solution to the problem and is awaiting IDOT approval. Two lots are for sale: lot 13 and 45. One homeowner suggested an adult trick-or-treating where we’d put signs in our front yards indicating adults could stop in for a drink. Liability insurance would probably not cover us for that, but we kicked around ideas for a block party, a bouncy house at the park for a spring party, another concert in the park, something for Christmas: Christy will email homeowners and see if anyone has an idea. Jim moved we adjourn, Andrea seconded, motion carried at 7:40 pm.

Minutes 9-4-19

MINUTES 9-4-19 Call to Order: 6:35 pm Limestone Library Conference Room Present: Tim Hauert, President; Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President; Christy Strole, Secretary; Lisa Meyer; Jeff Souligne Public Comments: Cara and Daryl Hunt, lot 95, want to close on the sale of their house on 9-11-19 but they still have a debris pile in the yard. Our lawyer has written them stating that they are violating the covenants. According to Daryl who appeared tonight, the branches are too thick to put in paper bags, and they can’t burn because of neighbors who object. The lawyer for their buyer has asked for the last 12 months of minutes, as well as bylaws, covenants, budget, etc. of the association. If we email the lawyer now, the fact that their lot has active covenant violations may interfere with the closing. So Daryl will borrow a trailer and haul the pile elsewhere to burn. Then he’ll send pictures to Lisa Meyer, who will share with Christy Strole, who lives nearby and can walk over and verify that the problem is solved. Then Christy will email the required documents to the lawyer and indicate that the issue has been resolved. Minutes approval: Curtis Anderson is actually Kirk: correction made. Christy will send him a welcome letter. Lisa moved and Tim seconded: minutes were approved as amended. Treasurer’s report: Jim emailed the report for our approval. Christy moved, Lisa seconded: treasurer’s report was approved. Old Business: Dufrain finished cleaning up around the sign, including removing the debris pile. A new pile has begun. Christy will email the owners of Lot 21, asking them to remove the debris pile. Violations: Lot 95: (debris in yard) see Public Comments above. This issue is not resolved. Lot 1: The trailer was gone for awhile but now it’s back. Christy will send a second email, saying that if it’s not gone by the next meeting the issue will be turned over to the lawyer. Lot 84: The kids hired someone to weed and the place looks better. Issue is resolved. Lot 65: There are two issues here. Tim walked the field and confirmed that the farmer who owns the land to the west of the subdivision, Schneider, has built up a berm along the fencerow, which prevents water from flowing onto his property. So it backs up into our detention pond and lot 65. We have flow data that shows this is the case. Tim talked with Al of the Kankakee Health Department. They ran a dye test on Lot 66’s system and it failed. The health department will issue a citation. Lot 66’s black water is flowing onto our detention pond and Lot 65. Tim will talk to the health department again to see whether the citation was issued, and he’ll update the owner of Lot 65 on our progress. Andrea moved, Lisa seconded the motion that we authorize the expense of Tim Hauert meeting with Ann Brezinski to see what we can do, given our limited funding, to solve this issue. New traffic signs have been installed! Thank you to Glen Kramer, township road commissioner. New Business: Little trees are growing up on the river lot, despite DuFrain mowing. Andrea will check the minutes to see who cleaned that up for us last year. Next year when we bid the mowing, we’ll add maintenance of the landscaping around the signs and keeping the volunteer trees and bushes down by the river. The light is on all day at the entrance at 113 and the cover seems to have come off one of the lights. It’s supposed to go off when the sun comes up and go on when the sun comes down. Tim will contact Scott Styck to see about this. Christy moved, Lisa seconded we adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm