Sunday, April 12, 2015

Minutes 2-21-15 ANNUAL MEETING

Limestone library
Called to order by Steve Devine at 10:15am.
There was no public comment. Six board members were present and two homeowners.
Board present was Steve Devine, Dave Baron, Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon, Bob West and Betsy Benoit.
Secretary’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Bob and all others agreed.
Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Bob and all others agreed.
No old business
New Business: Dave made a motion to pay Debbie $26.30 for copying at Staples. Andrea seconded and all others agreed. The 2015 budget was reviewed. Annual Dues notices will go out 3-1-15 and be due 4-1-15.  A note will be included to remind everyone that the new part is not in our association so therefore does not pay dues. Nominating committee of Chad Gessner, Donnie Turner, and Shan Cinnamon were unable to find anyone willing to run for the board. Debbie contacted 6 people to be on the committee and could not get anyone else. Lisa Meyer was present at the meeting and agreed to run.  Voting for new board members was done by those present with an option to write in a candidate. Emails will go out to anyone not present with a ballot and dues notice. The few that do not have email will be mailed the information. Bylaws and covenants were given to those present. They will be on the website shortly for everyone to print or if someone cannot print them, we will get them a copy. A mowing bid was received so Debbie will contact the present mower and ask if his prices will change. Neighborhood cleanup will be 4-25-15 with a rain date of 5-2-15 starting at 8am. Easter egg hunt will be 4-4-15 at 11 am at the park. Debbie and Andrea will get the eggs and gifts. Next meeting will be 4-1-15. There will not be meeting in March since there were 2 in Feb.

Adjourned at 10:50 am by Steve Devine.

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