Sunday, April 12, 2015

Minutes 12-3-14

Called to order at 6:30 pm by Steve Devine.
Secretary’s report was read by Debbie. Bob motioned to approve October with a second by Dave and all others agreed. Steve made a motion to approve November with a second by Betsy and all others agreed.
Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Andrea. All others agreed.
Old Business: There are just a few email consents left and Debbie mailed them with return envelopes. The attorney will get us the recorded copies back form the court house. Water bills were discussed but nothing new was decided. Usage has come down but everyone is still upset about the basic fees.
New Business: a homeowners complained about garbage cans being left out. Debbie will send letters to everyone that has their garbage cans on the side of their house as the covenants say they must be behind the house. Debbie will buy the replacement bulb that is out at the 113 sign. There are two houses with trailers so letters will be sent to them also as there was a complaint. Dave made a motion to pay the incorporation fee of $10, Andrea seconded and all others agreed. There is nothing to do about the letter that everyone received about the electric company third party provider.

Adjourned at 7pm with a motion by Dave and seconded by Debbie and all others agreed.

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