Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Minutes 7-2-14


CALL TO ORDER  6:30 pm by Steve Devine- President
Board members present:  Steve Devine, Dave Baron, Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon, Bob West, Darren Johnson, Betsy Benoit
2 Homeowners present
Secretary’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Bob, seconded by Dave and all others agreed.
Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Andrea and all others agreed.
Public comment: One homeowner wanted clarification on the covenant changes before he voted.  He had a question on the word “permanent” for outbuildings and why “enclosed breezeway” was changed.  It was explained that wording was given to us by the attorney as problems have come up in the past on these issues.
OLD BUSINESS:  3 unpaid dues, 30 ballots returned in favor of all covenants and 6 with a few items not favored.  28 is a quorum so they are passed.  Ideas were brought up by homeowners present on different wording but it was explained that this would then have to be voted on again and attendance at meetings was encouraged as people give the board ideas that we may not think of.  Tholens will start when the construction is done (July 21)- we are being told they will be done by July 30.  Still waiting on Horchem Mowing insurance.  ( received July 3)
NEW BUSINESS: Request for approval of shed plans- they are in compliance.  Dave made a motion to accept, Steve seconded and all others agreed.  Dave made a motion to pay Debbie $33.79 for Staples for printing of the last mailing. Andrea seconded and all others agreed.  The roads are being ground and should be replaced by the end of July.  People are asking for an exact timeline of when their street will be done and Diana said this is not possible. Debbie will make a list for next month of who has not returned the email consent so we can go door to door to get their consent.  There was still some question as to who fixes the landscaping so Debbie will try to get an answer.

ADJOURNED at 7:15.  Next meeting is August 6, 2014.

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