Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Minutes 8-6-14

CALL TO ORDER  6:30 pm by Steve Devine
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT  Steve Devine  Dave Baron  Debbie Turner  Andrea Cinnamon  Elizabeth Benoit  Darren Johnson
4 homeowners present
SECRETARIES REPORT  Read by Debbie with motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Andrea and all others agreed.
TREASURERS REPORT  Read by Debbie with motion to approve by Dave seconded by Steve and all others agreed.
PUBLIC COMMENT  Concern about water bills and people are unhappy with the grass areas that were seeded.  One person called the attorney that handled the original suit and they were told to encourage anyone who is unhappy to call them- Joseph Yurgine.  Debbie will let all homeowners know this via email.  Dave will check with Aqua and the fire dept about the charges on the water bills.
OLD BUSINESS  One unpaid due. A certified letter will be sent.   Tholens was to start July 21 but somehow it did not get on the schedule so they will start next week on the three signs with landscaping and the river lot.  We will start the door to door visits to get email consents for those that did not turn them in.  Debbie will email each board member a list and the consent form.
NEW BUSINESS  Motion by Debbie to pay Andrea $43 for the garage sale ad. Seconded by Dave and all others agreed. Dave made a motion to pay Horchem $1630 for the mowing.  Andrea seconded and all others agreed. Debbie will get the new bylaws and covenants to Anne to be registered at the court house. Diana told Debbie if people have landscaping left to be done to have it done and send her the bill. An email was sent to the association about a child breaking her leg at the park. This was just an FYI note but if we get a request for insurance information it will be sent to the park district as this is their property- we just mow for them. We will discuss bonfire at the next meeting.

ADJOURN Dave made a motion to adjourn at 7:20 pm. Steve seconded and all others agreed

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