Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Treasurer's Report January - June 2013

1-4-13    #1178 post office                         $79           $20273.72

1-14-13   EFT Com Ed                              $45.35      $20228.37

1-16-13   Deposit                                        $530        $20758.37

1-25-13   Deposit                                        $87          $20845.37

2-8-13    #1179 Debbie ink                         $13.80      $20831.57

2-14-13   EFT Com Ed                               $44.08      $20787.49

2-14-13   #1180  Ann Brezinski                 $175.00    $20612.49

2-20-13   #1181   Debbie                            $50.30      $20562.19

3-15-13   EFT Com Ed                               $40.33      $20521.86

3-15-13   #1182 Taxes                                $35           $20486.86

3-15-13   #1183 stamps envelopes             $110.40    $20385.46

3-22-13   Deposit                                        $4500      $24885.46

4-2-13     Deposit                                        $2400      $27285.46

                VOID #1184

4-8-13     #1185 Debbie   ink                      $51.99     $27233.47

4-13-13  EFT  Com Ed                               $30.84     $27202.63

4-13-13   Deposit                                        $600        $27802.63

4-19-13   Deposit                                        $375        $28177.63

4-22-13  #1186 Adcraft                              $183.87   $27993.76

4-26-13   Deposit                                        $150        $28143.76

4-26-13  #1187   Tholens                            $140.21   $28003.55

4-29-13   refund tholens                               $140.21  $28143.76

4-29-13  Deposit                                           $75         $28218.76

5-2-13  #1188  deb stamps                       $9.20       $28209.56

5-2-13   #1189   Jim Horchem  mowing   $4985     $23224.56

5-2-13   #1190   Auto Owners                   $571       $22653.56

5-3-13   Deposit                                          $75        $22728.56

5-6-13    EFT COM ED                             $31.25   $22697.31

5-30-13  DEPOSIT                                     $75        $22772.31

6-6-13  #1191 Ann Brezinski                     $369.50  $22404.81

6-6-13  #1192    Taxes                                $50.30    $22354.51

6-6-13   EFT Com Ed                                  $30.34   $22324.17


River Bend West Community Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
Wednesday May 1, 2013 6:30pm Limestone Library
Called to order at 6:30pm by Erin with motion by Dave and seconded by Steve   all others agreed
9 homeowners present 6 board members present and Diana from Shell also present
Diana spoke first to bring us up to date on the work in our area  they hope to start River Bend 2 soon and then into our part  probably mid summer   they will only have one crew not 2   they will hook up 3 services a day once the main lines are in   they hope to go down each street and Diana will schedule with homeowners as someone has to be present to let them in the house    they will bore through the ground and through the foundations then seal from the inside per code   she again stressed the importance of getting pictures of your yard for repair purposes   she is getting bids for driveways and landscaping but again you are encouraged to get your own bids also  she will give homeowners the check and then her people can fix it or you can hire your own or keep the money and do as you wish   Tyson Engineering is working with them on grade to keep the ditches flowing   Pipeline Rd still has to be fixed  She was not sure about the buried culverts if they could be replaced  one homeowner present said the road commissioner said no????
Secretaries report read by Debbie with motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Bob   all others agreed
Treasurers report read by Debbie with motion to approve by Andrea and seconded by Dave  all others agreed
Debbie asked for motion to pay bills  $9.20 to Debbie for stamps  $571 to Auto Owners for Liability for board and $4985 to Jim Horchem for 2011 and 2012 mowing  Motion by Erin and seconded by Andrea and all others agreed
Garage sales will be June 6 and 7 with Limestone Meadows  Debbie will send out email and letters to those who do not have email
2 homeowners have not paid and Debbie will send out another notice
Debbie will call Scott Styck with park board and ask them to spray for weeds and add more mulch
A homeowner brought plans for a shed  they are in compliance with the covenants  Motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve and all others agreed  
7:10 pm motion by Deb and seconded by Bob to go into closed session to discuss oversize truck and tractor trailer and complaint of parking in yards   all others agreed to closed session
7:15pm motion for open session by Deb and seconded by Dave  all others agreed  one homeowner stayed and came back to the meeting
Motion to send letters to 2 homeowners regarding above  Motion by Dave and seconded by Steve and all others agreed

Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm with motion by Dave and seconded by Bob and all others agreed


Called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin Walker with a motion by Debbie Turner and seconded by Bob West All others agreed
Secretaries report ready by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave Baron and seconded by Chris Benoit  All others agreed
Treasurers report read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Steve Devine and seconded by Andrea  Cinnamon  All others agreed
There were 3 homeowners present   Public comment:  Christy Strole gave the board a copy of her parliamentary procedure book and thanked the board for all their hard work  She also mentioned that perhaps the bylaws do need to be amended to allow voting by email in the future   Mike Bossert  “seconded” that!!  Mr Bossert also asked that the political sign by the river be removed as this is not private property  Motion by Dave and seconded by Steve to pay Debbie $51.99 for ink and paper  All others agreed   Motion by Steve and seconded by Dave to have Chris House fix the River Bend sign that his employee hit during the snow storm  All others agreed  We will have it put in writing that it will match the previous sign in appearance and workmanship  Debbie will contact him   The 2 homeowners at the meeting who did not vote- voted  65 ballots were returned for the 2013 board   a quorum is 28  4 dues payments were turned in tonight also   There are 15 people left to pay  $6900 has been deposited so far  Dave made a motion and Bob seconded for Debbie to purchase letterhead as we are out- this has only been ordered once in all the years of the association All others agreed  Christy Strole who was on a previous board thought it was from Adcraft   Debbie will forward the letter from Diana at Shell about the construction to Christy to put on the website 
Neighborhood Cleanup will be April 27 at 8 am   meet at the River Bend sign at 113  Debbie will check the plants prior to that to see what did not make it through the winter and needs to be replaced   Debbie will also email Diana to see if they are done at the river property so that we could start to get estimates on improvements   the board will have to send out ballots again to have everyone vote on the use of the Shell money
Garage sales tentative for June 6 and 7  Debbie will check with Limestone Meadows to see when they are having theirs
Debbie will get in touch with Jim Horchem who does the mowing to be sure he wants to continue and to get a copy of his insurance
Motion at 7pm to adjourn by Dave  seconded by Debbie and all others agreed


Called to order at 6:30 pm with motion by Debbie and seconded by Chris and all others agreed
Board members present:  Erin Walker, Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon, Chris Benoit and Bob West
Don Anderson, homeowner was also present and again upset that we did not go door to door to every homeowner to ask them to vote   we got 28 votes as this is a quorum of the residents and this is what the attorney said we should do   he says we need to give everyone a chance to vote  we explained that we did give them a chance at the annual meeting and they chose not to come  he kept asking if everyone was notified of the voting at the 2-27-13 meeting and we told him there was not a meeting that we just went out to get votes   again we are seeking legal counsel to clear this up  he then left the meeting 
Secretaries report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Bob and seconded by Chris and all others agreed
Treasurers report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Andrea and seconded by Chris and all others agreed
Erin will get a few estimates for the sign that was hit by a truck in the snowstorm on 3-5-13  Debbie called the sheriffs department to get the accident report but has not heard back from them yet 
Chris said he will get the report and send it to Debbie

Motion to adjourn to closed session at 6:45 pm by Andrea and seconded by Bob and all others agreed